Writing a Story “I wrote my first novel because I wanted to read it.” - Toni Morrison
The Six Pieces to a Story Characters Plot Theme Structure Setting Tone
Characters Main hero - Protagonist Give enough details to paint a picture. Always give your character some type of flaw/weakness. A perfect character is a boring character.
Plot The main conflict of the story. Five steps of the plot are Introduction- >Rising Action->Climax->Falling Action- >Resolution. Internal/External.
Theme The “lesson” of the story. Not necessary, but recommended.
Structure First Person or Third Person? (Possibly Second Person?) Past Tense or Present Tense? Stick to one or the other. Do not alternate mid-story.
Setting When & Where?
Style/Tone/Language Know which audience you want to appeal to. Use the appropriate language.
Finding Ideas Always carry a notebook. Don’t be afraid to base off personal ideas. Read, read, read. And then read some more.
After the Story is Finished… “I edit my own stories to death. They eventually run and hide from me.” - Jeanne Voelker
Editing. Re-read your story over and over. Have a friend or two read it through. Submit to a professional editor.
Copyright Library of Congress holds the U.S. Copyright Office. Poor man’s copyright.
Getting Published Search for publishers or literary agents. Query letters Self-publishing
Publishers/Literary Agents htmhttp:// htm Hundreds of agents in Philadelphia.
Query Letters Like interviewing for a job. Personalize each letter. Query letter makes a HUGE difference.
Self-Publishing Createspace.com or Lulu.com. Costly $$$. Very easy to complete, very difficult to market.
The Secret to a Successful Book