Prepared by: Neha Bindra
Small scale industries are those which are run in a small place with a small amount of money and with a few workers Small Scale Industrial units are those engaged in manufacturing, processing or preservation of goods with investment in Plant and Machinery (original cost) not to exceed Rs.1 Crore The investment limit of Rs. 1 crore for classification as SSI has been enhanced to Rs. 5 crore in respect of certain specified items like hosiery, hand tools, all Drug & Pharmaceuticals by Government of India
The foreign trade of India is guided by Export- Import Policy of the Government of India. Regulated by the Foreign Trade Development and Regulations Act Exim policy contain various policy decisions with respect to import and exports from the country. Exim policy is prepared and announced by the central government. Exim policy of India aims to developing export potential, improving export performance, encouraging foreign trade and creating favorable balance of payment position.
Recognition of Export Houses/ Trading Houses, etc. Special Import License(SIL). Eligibility Condition for Small Scale Exporters for SIL. Duty Exemption Scheme made Flexible. Benefit of Zero Duty EPCG Scheme Extended to Other Sectors.
EOU/EPZ- Further Rationalization. Export Houses/ Trading Houses/ Star Trading Houses/ Super Star Trading Houses Other Steps. Integration /of Indian Economy With Global Economy. Free Trade Zones.
Participation in Int. Fairs/Exhibitions. Packaging for Exports. Technical and Managerial Consultancy Services. National Awards for Quality Products. Marketing Development Assistance. Awards to Exporters. Promotional Schemes. Tool Rooms. Process-cum-Product Development Centres.
Marketing and Promotion. Financial Assistance. Technical Assistance.
Policy of Reservation. Licensing Policy. Trade Policy- Imports and Exports. Promotional Schemes. NSIC Price and Purchase Preference Policy For Marketing SSI Products. Labour Policy. Rehabilitation of Sick Units.
Single Window Scheme. Industrial Estate Program. National Awards for Outstanding SSI entrepreneurs. National Awards for Quality Products in Small Scale Sector.
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