Alaska School Leaders Institute Moving Toward Implementation of Alaska’s ELA & Math Standards
Objectives Understand the three phases toward implementation of the new standards Identify current level of implementation for each of the phases Learn about specific tools to assist with building awareness of and transitioning to the ELA and math standards Identify next steps to take toward implementation of the ELA and math standards.
Schedule 8:30 – 9:00 Overview of standards 9:00 – 10:00 Current status Needs assessment Where to begin Phase placement survey 10:00 – 11:00 2 options 11:00 – 11:30 Wrap-up
Assumptions Everyone is already working hard. We are willing to make changes if those changes are good for students. We are more effective working together than alone, particularly given the amount of work that there is to be done. There is no formula or prescription. Local values, history, and current circumstances must inform the work.
Alaska’s New ELA & Math Standards How did we get here?
History of Standards in Alaska 1990s: Alaska standards in reading, writing, and mathematics were developed by age spans 2004: Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) in reading, writing, and mathematics were developed to further define standards at each grade level (grades 3 – 10) 2006: Grade Level Expectations were expanded to include kindergarten through second grade 7
A Nation-Wide Look at Content Standards Spearheaded by Council of Chief State School Officers and National Governors Association July 2009 work groups from higher education, K – 12 education, and the research community March 2010 first public draft June 2010 final version – Common Core 8
Don’t states have standards? Long lists of broad, vague statements Assessments that “sampled” the standards Coverage mentality Focused on teacher behaviors – “the inputs”rather than on student learning 9
Alaska Standards Timeline June – November 2011, Alaska educators along with national experts shared their knowledge and assisted with the revision to create the proposed standards. They knew: 1.the GLEs were over six years old. 2.the GLEs did not extend beyond grade the GLEs were broad and open to teacher interpretation. 4.the GLEs were lower in rigor than other standards. 10
Stakeholder representation Classroom teachers in reading, writing, and mathematics –kindergarten through high school University instructors representing multiple content areas Career and technical education instructors Alaska industry and business representatives District administrators Educators representing students with disabilities, English language learners, economically disadvantaged, and ethnic groups 11
Stakeholder Demographics by Attendance 12
Adoption of New Standards New English Language Arts & Math Standards adopted in June, 2012 Align with college and work readiness. Include rigorous content. Build upon strength and lessons of the GLEs. Outline instructional expectations for grades K-12. Equal in rigor to national common standards. Relate to real world application. 13
Alaska Standards & CCSS Principles Fewer - can be learned in a year; little repetition Clearer - more precisely describe outcome expectations Higher – meant for all students each year Based on evidence of what is needed to be successful in college and careers Honest about time 14
Alaska Standards & CCSS Very similar Equal in rigor Equivalent but not identical Clarity to ensure that teachers would easily understand the focus and purpose of each standard Wanted key Alaskan standards retained, especially math standards in measurement in the elementary 15
Grade 5 Standard 10 for Reading Literature CC – By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, at the high end of the grades 4-5 text complexity band independently and proficiently. Alaska – By the end of the year, read and comprehend a range of literature from a variety of cultures, within a complexity band appropriate to grade 5 (from upper grade 4 to grade 6), with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. 16
Current Status For ELA and math, consider the current status of instructional materials, curriculum, and professional development. Take notes regarding Recent district- or school-level work (i.e. district-wide training regarding new materials in September 2012) General impressions (i.e. very outdated instructional materials) Complete Needs Assessment to Guide Planning document Share your thoughts with a partner
As a group… Address ELA first in Curriculum Materials Professional development Address math first Curriculum Materials Professional development Address ELA & math Curriculum Materials Professional development
Alaska Standards Phases Awareness Transition Implementation
Awareness All district leaders and teachers understand the rational for Alaska’s ELA & Math Standards the language of Alaska’s ELA & Math Standards the structure of Alaska’s ELA & Math Standards the major shifts of the Alaska’s ELA and Math Standards
Transition Teachers are adjusting instruction to be consistent with Alaska ELA and Math Standards. District has a plan to address curricula, materials, and professional development for implementation of the Alaska ELA and Math Standards.
Implementation District has aligned curricula and materials to the Alaska ELA and Math Standards. District is providing ongoing professional development and monitoring of instruction regarding implementation of the Alaska ELA and Math Standards.
Phase Placement Survey Complete Phase Placement Survey identifying your current level of implementation for each of the three phases Each team member should complete the survey independently.
Discuss With your team, discuss your general impressions of “where you are” with each phase. Are you mostly in Awareness, Transition, or Implementation?
Options Complete Multi-Year Planning Template & Standards Planning Template For now, work on identifying staff groups, phase of focus, and dates for work to occur Learn about Materials’ Review Tool and Instructional Practice Guide
Wrap-up As a team, agree on One thing you learned that is valuable One clear next step Something you’ve already done toward implementing the standards that you’d like to share One question you have or way you need help