The Victorian Novels had different cultural themes. The most important were: Children’s exploitation; Life conditions; Pollution. I will present you the theme of Children’s exploitation.
Children were exploited in factories; No good conditions of living; They worked in coal mines; They are expected to help family budget; It increased during the Industrial Revolution.
An important example of children’s exploitation is given by Charles Dickens in Oliver Twist. Children’s exploitation was very common during the Industrial Revolution, as a consequence of poverty. The novel was written to accuse the society of that time.
young children are employed in factories and mines and as chimney sweeps. Child labour had an important role in the Industrial Revolution. Children worked long hours in dangerous jobs for low pay.
About 150 millions of exploited children. They have to do dangerous works. An example are children exploited in coal- mines or in tea plantations. It is developed mostly in backward countries as China, Vietnam, India, Africa.
Children were seen as objects. Exploitation was considered lawful. People can not oppugn capitalists. Oliver Twist is a Victorian symbol against child labour. People created an organization to control children’s exploitation. Iqbal Masih is a Pakistani child that became a symbol against child labour.
There is an important difference between: child labour : economic exploitation in harmful conditions for children’s wellbeing children's work : form of an economic activity lighter and it does not injured younger’s education and health.
The children are working as a labour in school going age for the survival of there families and to full fill the basic necessities. People don’t know the importance of education. That’s why most of children remain illiterate.
Awareness must be raised and parents should pay attention to the education of their children. Child Labour Laws should be strictly put into practice