Promoting ICT Dialogue and Cooperation with the MPC towards Horizon 2020 GA
MED-Dialogue at a glance Start Date 01/01/2014 Duration 30 months Project Coordinator IT Consult GmbH (Germany) Project Partners Planet S.A. (Greece) Sigma Orionis (France) Cairo University (Egypt) - pending Universite Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah (Morocco) Institut Supérieur de Gestion et de Planification (Algeria) Centre National de l’Informatique (Tunisia) Princess Sumaya University for Technology (Jordan) Palestine Academy of Science & Technology (Palestine) National Council for Scientific Research (Lebanon) Athens Technology Center S.A. (Greece) Project website :
3 The Vision MED-Dialogue will act as a bridge for a two-way cooperation between the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) and the European Commission in the field of ICT research. This project will Support the policy dialogue between the EU and its MPC. Assist organisations in the Mediterranean region to increase their participation in the H2020 Programme. Promote innovation through closer cooperation between academia and the private sector.
Main Objectives Support to the EU-MPC Dialogue Develop a ”Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda" and the "MPC ICT Vision” Recommendations for the ICT research policy development in the different MPC. Strengthening Research Links Extending the existing network of 300 organisations and >1000 ICT researchers Awareness and Training events with total of >300 participants Coordination of International Cooperation Instruments Recommendation for the Horizon2020 workprogramme component for International Cooperation
The Partnerships MPC Advisory Group (24) TIEC - Egypt ITIDA - Egypt MHESRET - Morocco Maroc Numeric Cluster - Morocco R&D Maroc - Morocco CERIST - Algeria ARPT - Algeria USTHB - Algeria SNCFT - Tunisia SesamE - Tunisia TELNET - Tunisia Jordan Computer Society - Jordan iPark - Jordan Jordan Chamber of Industry - Jordan Birzeit University - Palestine Al Quds University - Palestine Alquds Open University - Palestine MTIT- Palestine MHE - Palestine Berytech - Lebanon ALSI - Lebanon Regional: AICTO, ESCWA, ASREN Project Partners (11) Medittrenean Partner Countries CNI PSUT ISGP USMBA CNRS PALAST CU EU ITC PLANET SIGMA ATC ETPs NET!WORKS NEM NESSI Cooperation agreement with IDEAL-IST