Active and Passive Affirmations ©2002 Dr. B. C. Paul
Active and Passive Affirmations Active Affirmations are compliments Passive Affirmations – The times you stand back and let your people do their job – May be job your good at - you want to issue warnings or advice - but don’t – A confident smile a pat on the back may be the vote of respect that makes people reach for motivation from within
The Gift of the Goose Cheering Each Other On Active or Passive Congratulations must be true – Congratulations are affirmations that people are important for who they and their valuable contribution toward a shared mission – Telling people their doing good is an active congratulation but standing back with a smile can be a powerful complement too – TRUE (Timely, Responsive, Unconditional, Enthusiastic) Congratulations can’t be overdone
No Score - No Game Cheer Progress - not just results Share score measurements with everyone - information empowers, but it also excites Move Congratulations to the right, Programmed to Spontaneous, Blanket to Individual, General to Specific, Traditional to Unique Stop Focusing on the Guilty and Start Focusing on the Good
E = MC 2 Worthwhile work and being in control of achieving a goal is a Mission Cheering others on brings enthusiasm Cash comes first - you must feed the material need before you can feed the spirit
The Gift of the Goose is for Everyone “The Gift of the Goose is God’s Gift We Give Each Other” Go and Do Likewise
Values Finishing Department had a 5 point constitution “To protect the health, safety, and well being of every person in the department” Taking care of customers Didn’t give the rest – Profits and ROR were not on the list