The Virtual Conference as a means of getting Teacher Educators into the Internet Elaine Hoter The Mofet Institute. Talpiot Teachers College, Israel. Christchurch Workshop - New Zealand 2002
Information, Practice and Support
Before the conference Read Gate: All full text papers are online. Organized online practice gate: Special online practice sessions in real time for a. presenters according to the presentation type. b. participants to familiarize them with the technology. Self study practice gate.
Preparation gate: Instructions on how to prepare for an online conference. Download gate. All technologies used in the conference here to be downloaded. Telephone help gate. Technicians were available to solve computer connection and conference connection problems. Timetable gate: The timetable is here so that participants can organize their 3 days ahead of time.
Online help gate. One of the team was available to assist using the Humanclick program. Information gate. support gate. Online tips
Virtual Site Tours
Panels and Roundtables
Extra curriculum activities to form an online community. Workshops
Keynote speakers
How did we get the “non internet savvy teachers” in the colleges to take part? High academic level and well known key note speakers to encourage as many as possible to attend. Involved as many teaching colleges as possible in the preparation and organizing committees. Publicity.
A lot of pre-conference practice sessions and support. Conference atmosphere and special rooms set up within teaching colleges to “ring in” unsuspecting lecturers to feel part of the online experience. 2 ongoing conferences: one in English and one in Hebrew. Possibility of presenting online tours from the center.
Conference site
How can you become an internet orientated instructor?
Stages in Integrating technology Elaine Hoter
Stage 1: Awareness 1 I am aware that technology exists but have not used it – perhaps I’ve even avoiding it “The computer was my enemy and the Internet was intimidating”
2 1 Stage 2: Learning the process I am currently trying to learn the basics. I am often frustrated using computers. I lack confidence when using computers. “I need more time to practice because I have still not mastered basic computer skills….”
Stage 3: Understanding and application of the process 32 1 I am beginning to understand the process of using technology and can think of specific tasks in which it might be useful
“… In fact last week I was able to get through on the Internet to explore other interests of my own. Finally I was not blocked by techno=wierdness on computer and I got access to several sites and downloaded real tangible interesting stuff. “ 32 1
Stage 4: Familiarity and confidence I am gaining a sense of confidence in using the computer for specific tasks. I am starting to feel comfortable using the computer I am gaining a sense of confidence in using the computer for specific tasks. I am starting to feel comfortable using the computer.
“As I began to build confidence - particularly in building the lessons for my on-line pupil in Jerusalem, I found that I was more tolerant to ask for help, explore and integrate material” 432 1
Stage 5: Adaptation to other contexts I think about the computer as a tool I think about the computer as a tool to help me and am no longer concerned about it as technology. I can use it in many applications and as an instructional aid.
“Each class would do some research using the Internet and in groups present both a written and visual presentation in front of the class. A bibliography would include only websites. Perhaps I’d do this together with the computer course teacher using PowerPoint etc.”
Stage 6: Creative application to new contexts I can apply what I know about technology in the classroom. I am able to use it as an instructional tool and integrate it into the curriculum
“I felt as though I went through a transition process where I learned how to integrate technology in a real teaching situation. I feel I am able to integrate the technology in my class because I practiced dealing with actual learning difficulties and processes with my pupil.”
Stage 7: Widening the learning community I know how to integrate the technologies to widen the learning community: to form and participate in communities and online projects with other teachers, pupils and professionals I know how to integrate the technologies to widen the learning community: to form and participate in communities and online projects with other teachers, pupils and professionals.
“what I particularly like about teaching using the Internet is that it encourages learner independence and allows the students to practice their English with people other than their teacher.”