Book Last name, First name. Title. Pub City: Pub Company, year. Print. Marngit: -B. Wongar -Angus and Robertson Pub, Sydney U3O8: -B. Wongar -Angus and Robertson Pub, Sydney -1992
Piece from an Anthology Last name, first name. “article/story/chapter.” Title of Anthology. Ed. Editor’s name. Pub City: Pub Company, year. Pg#s. Print. The Beginning of Life: -Oodgeroo Noonucal -Dreamtime: Aboriginal Stories -Harper Collins Publishers, New York Pg.70
Anthology Cont. Dr. Wooreddy’s, Breaking a Man’s Spirit, Absalom Day’s Promotion, The Drover’s Wife: -DWP: Colin Johnson, BMS: Marcus Clarke, ADP: Price Warung, DW: Henry Lawson -Australian Literature: An Anthology of Writing from the Land Down Under -Editor: Phyllis Fahrie -Random House Publisher, New York DW pg.77-87, BMS pg , ADP pg , DW pg. 3-11
Movie Movie Title. Dir. Name. Perf. Name. Production Co, year. DVD. Rabbit-Proof Fence: -Director: Phillip Noyce -Miramax Films -2002
Works Cited Clarke, Marcus. “Breaking a Man’s Spirit.” Australian Liteature: An Anthology of Writing from the Land Down Under. Ed. Phyllis Fahrie. New York: Random House Publisher, Pg Print. Johnson, Colin. “Dr. Wooreddy’s Prescription for Enduring the Ending of the World.” Australian Liteature: An Anthology of Writing from the Land Down Under. Ed. Phyllis Fahrie. New York: Random House Publisher, Pg Print. Lawson, Henry. “The Drover’s Wife.” Australian Liteature: An Anthology of Writing from the Land Down Under. Ed. Phyllis Fahrie. New York: Random House Publisher, Pg Print. Noonucal, Oodgeroo. “The Beginning of Life.” Dreamtime: Aboriginal Stories. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, Pg.70. Print. Rabbit-Proof Fence. Dir. Phillip Noyce. Miramax Films, DVD. Warung, Price. “Absalom Day’s Promotion.” Australian Liteature: An Anthology of Writing from the Land Down Under. Ed. Phyllis Fahrie. New York: Random House Publisher, Pg Print. Wongar, B. Marngit. Sydney: Angus and Robertson, Print. Wongar, B. U3O8. Syndey: Angus and Robertson, Print.