Michelle Basket US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Immunization & Respiratory Diseases Health Communication Science Office National Infant Immunization Week April 23-30, 2011
Immunization Week Goes Global! 17 th annual National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW) - United States National Immunization Awareness Week (NIAW)- Canada 8 th Vaccination Week in the Americas (VWA) 6 th European Immunization Week (EIW) 2 nd Vaccination Week in the Eastern Mediterranean (VWEM) 1 st Vaccination Week in African 1 st Vaccination Week in Western Pacific Region 2
NIIW History-US Began in 1994 Promotes immunization for children < 2 years old Celebrates immunization achievements Revitalizes efforts Locally driven effort Held in conjunction with VWA
Objectives Create events to increase media interest in infant immunization. Create events to increase awareness about importance of infant immunization. Recognize partners/volunteers for their efforts in helping to immunize children and increase immunization rates. Create opportunities to educate hcp. Engage new partners and strengthen existing ones. Re-energize or launch of year round immunization efforts
5 Web-based Resources
6 Planning Guidance and Tools Promotional, Public Relations, and Media Materials Educational Resources Activities and Events Listing
Planning Tools 7 Lay the foundation/needs assessment Plan Activities Build successful partnerships Develop champions Evaluate Planning Templates State and local success stories
Promotional Materials 8 Media Web and E-tools Print Products Event Signage
Media Tools 9 PR Toolkit Sample Press Release Sample Key Messages Proclamation Tweets – Don’t wait! #Vaccinate! Protect your baby from harmful diseases with immunization – Parents, protect your baby from 14 vaccine-preventable diseases! #Immunize on time! – Check your child’s #immunization records to make sure he is up- to-date on all his #vaccines. Print Ads (various sizes) Drop-in Articles
Media Tips Involve communication specialists in planning Consider involving media in the planning committee Chose your media strategy wisely Clear and consistent messaging Need a “news worthy” story Share the immunization challenges Choose credible and skilled spokespeople Good location with good visuals
Web and E-tools 11 Web Banners Web Buttons E-cards Videos
Print Products 13 Posters Stickers Bookmarks Certificates Letterhead Logos
Event Signage 14
Educational Resources-Providers-1 15
Educational Resources-Providers Talking with Parents about Vaccines for Infants The Childhood Schedule
17 Diseases and the Vaccines that Prevent them – English – Spanish – Plain Language Educational Resources for Parents-1
Educational Resources for Parents-2
Educational Resources for Parents-3
Educational Resources for Parents-4
Share your plans! AND find out what others are doing Activity and Event Listing
22 Stay Connected and Be the First to Know
Hundreds of US communities participate Successful cross border collaboration New partnerships and strengthened existing partnerships Media relationships Increased political goodwill for immunization Revitalizes immunization leaders, partners, and programs NIIW: A Partnership Success Story
Lessons Learned Part of year-long immunization program Needs assessment critical Involve new partners National, state and local leaders Highlight achievements AND challenges Keep it simple Make it fun!
Anne Schuchat, MD “For me, NIIW provides a chance to get out and listen and learn from the immunization providers and coalition members on the front line about their real challenges and needs. It gives me one more chance to understand the realities they must cope with, and to thank them personally. Although everyone involved in planning works very hard, the NIIW and VWA activities always leave us all feeling re-energized and committed to the important mission we share. “ 25
Thank You! Michelle Basket – (404) – Vicki Evans – (404) –