Careers Service Level 6, Livingstone Tower
ASSOCIATION OF GRADUATE RECRUITERS (AGR) “Employers welcome the well prepared graduate. That means someone who has prepared their thoughts on employment, is self-aware and knows how their skills can be transferred into a job.”
Gateway to growth: CBI/Pearson education and skills survey 2014, p68 Graduates’ attitudes matter most of all in job hunting…
Career Planning Self awareness Occupational awareness Decision Making Moving on
How we help Website Seminars Information Employer events Signposting One to one Skills Award
Getting that Job Work experience and part time work Graduate vacancies Employer presentations On-campus recruitment Scottish Graduate Fair Graduate recruitment websites Hidden job market Starting your own business
Employer Employers “As an organisation, Morgan Stanley looks to engage with local communities and harness local talent. Morgan Stanley’s Glasgow office has therefore partnered closely with Strathclyde Business School and Careers Service for a number of years to deliver both Management Development Programme Modules and Employability & Information Sessions, across a wide range of degree programmes and academic years. As a result of the fruitful working relationship, we employ many University of Strathclyde students or alumni through our Intern, Industrial Placement or Graduate Programmes.” “We recruit Students from Strathclyde University as we have a good track record of hiring from this University. The impact of hiring talented graduates and interns from this University on our business is great - we are a hyper growth company and bringing talented individuals into our entry level positions is extremely exciting and important to our business and our stage in our growth” Skyscanner “Working closely with Strathclyde University Careers Service, via student events and department focused presentations, we have been able to select students for summer internships and graduates with the appropriate background for of business”. GSK
Strathclyde Graduate Adviser interviews are a great idea - I found it really helpful for defining my priorities and deciding upon a career direction It is due to the service that the careers service provided that I obtained my graduate job - through interview advice and careers fairs. I feel very grateful for the assistance provided.
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