Class Rules and procedures
Sit in your assigned seat and fill out your agenda: 1. Forms (bring filled out as soon as possible!) 2. Sign Science safety contract: Due Tomorrow! 3. Supplies Composition book, folder, pencils, paper Try to have as soon as possible!! Be respectful Be responsible Be Safe Be a Camel!!
1. Arrive on time and be prepared 2. Keep body and objects to yourself 3. Follow all directions the first time given 4. Respect the people, equipment, and furnishings of room 187. Be respectful Be responsible Be Safe Be a Camel!!
NEVER open the door to the classroom. If someone is at the door, then Mrs. Bogosta will answer it.
To get Mrs. Bogosta’s attention there are 5 hand signals you can use. Please look at the poster on the white board. Be respectful Be responsible Be Safe Be a Camel!!
This means you have a comment or question concerning the class material.
This means you have to get out of your seat. (Tissue, garbage, pencil sharpener, etc.)
It is my expectation that you come to class with at least 1 pencil if not 2 everyday Sharpen pencils before class If you do need to sharpen: 1. Wait until we are not in whole group 2. One person at a time at the the pencil sharpener Be respectful Be responsible Be Safe Be a Camel!!
This means you need help on your work.
This means you have to use the restroom.
You MUST have your agenda signed, wear the bathroom pass, and sign out on the log sheet to use the restroom in case of emergencies. Please, use the restroom before 1 st block, before lunch, and during transitions that you do not need to go to your locker. If you are going to be sick and you know it… please use the law of 2 feet! =) Be respectful Be responsible Be Safe Be a Camel!!
This means you are giving the quiet signal. Give me “5”
Write your name on the top of your syllabus. If you have your science folder, put your syllabus inside the prongs of your folder.
Please print your name in the top blank to agree to the science safety rules Have your parent or guardian sign and date the bottom agreement and bring back to Mrs. Bogosta You cannot participate in any labs until this is returned!!