Fully literature is dependent on fast, accurate recognition of words. Hands on experience allows word manipulation. Effective spelling literacy = linking reading material to current learning, provide a systematic scope, provide word level skills, and many hands on practices. Word Study-using students spelling as a guide to differentiate effective instruction in phonics, spelling and vocabulary.
Purpose of word study is twofold- general(student develop how they think word looks like) – Specific (increases specific knowledge of word, meaning and spelling. Example-blending
Layer 1- Alphabet Layer 2- Pattern Level 3- Meaning
Blending activities Use Tier’s effectively split students based on their learning level work with them and retest, switching students constantly. Word sorts, word hunts, general word games. Its ok to not spell 100% accurate, just enforce letter sounds and the sounding out methods.
As teachers it isn’t what we teach it’s how well we teach it!!!!!!!