By Kevin and Ryan EQ- how are horse behavior and training related?
Horse behavior Reactive- the behavior of reacting to ones environment. Predators Open Land Ingestive- the behavior of consuming food Influences Routine Preferences Standards Oats, Hay, Vitamins, Minerals
Types of behavior cont. Eliminative- the behavior of expelling biological waste urination defecation Sexual- the behavior of biological reproduction flehmen reaction pheromones
Types of behavior cont. Epilimetic-the behavior of giving or seeking out care/attention Grooming calling Agonistic-the behavior of aggression or fighting easily agitated Aggression - behavior includes kicking, bucking, rearing, and biting
Types of behavior cont Mimicry- the behavior of copying the actions of others Copycat Investigative- the behavior of expressing curiosity or interest All senses New elements
Types of behavior cont Grooming-the behavior of cleaning one’s self Licking Rolling Abnormal behavior- behavior that is unusual and can signal harm or distress Air-sucking Violent head shaking
Training Reinforcement- reward for performing desired behavior Treats Sugar cube/carrots Cues- signals to perform specific behavior nudges
Imprinting Imprinting is the process of getting a foal accustomed to humans within its first 48 hours of life
Reading a horse Horses express themselves through body language Facial expressions Ears, eyes, mouth
READ THAT HORSE! How is this horse feeling?
How about this horse? Can you tell?
Candy Quiz!!! 1 ) true or false imprinting is done in the first 48 hours of life? 2 ) true or false cues are signals for specific behavior? 3 ) what are 3 examples of agnostic behavior? 4 ) a stallion reaction to a mare in estrus is called? 5 ) explain reinforcement training ? 6 ) what is mimicry behavior?