D EMENTIA “Science clearly suggests that the daily decisions you make, even the small ones can help to build a brain able to function successfully into your nineties, or for an entire lifetime” Quote by Jean Carper
N UTRITION WITH D EMENTIA By eating the right foods, having a large social network, doing the right exercise, taking the right supplements, and controlling your blood sugar, depression, and stress, you can lower your chances of Dementia, perhaps delaying it for so long that it does not manifest during your lifetime.
F OODS TO C ONSIDER Eat antioxidant Rich foods they are powerful antidotes to memory decline Black raspberries, Raisins, Artichokes, Plums, Garlic, Cherries, Red Cabbage, Sweet Potatoes, Oranges, Red Grapes, Radishes, Spinach, Dates, Black Berries, Red Raspberries, Strawberries, Cranberries, Figs, Apples with Peel, Elderberries, Blueberries, Avocados
F OOD TO C ONSIDER CONT ’ D Beware of Bad Fats (It’s scary to see how they destroy your brain cells) Bad fats affect the human brain the same way, accelerating the onset of memory decline and dementia. Martha Clare Morris, ScD at Rush University in Chicago found that elderly people who at the most trans fats were four times more likely to develop dementia than those eating the least. So…………………instead
F OOD TO C ONSIDER CONT ’ D Run like crazy from trans fats and eat Low-fat or fat-free dairy products, including milk, cheese, and ice cream. Trim skin from poultry and cut down on deep-fried foods Eat Fatty Fish (Fish oil is the number one fat your brain needs to prevent dementia). The more fish you eat, the less likely you are to develop dementia.
F OODS TO C ONSIDER CONT ’ D Drink Juices of all kinds (A glass everyday or two slashes your odds of getting dementia by 16%) Drink more of the deep-colored brain proven juices, like grape, pomegranate, and blueberry juice and don’t forget orange, grapefruit, pineapple, mango, cherry, prune and all the rest they to are apt to have brain benefits. Be sure to only drink 100% fruit and vegetable juices not fruit drinks
F OODS TO C ONSIDER C OND ’ T Cinnamon (It invigorates wimpy insulin) Coffee (It has a way of protecting your brain) Nuts ( A daily handful of almonds or walnuts fends off dementia) Olive Oil (Its secret ingredient blocks the genesis of dementia) Spinach (Leafy green vegetables slow and reverse memory loss)
C ONCLUSION Other things you can do to prevent dementia is to surround yourself with stimulation-A socially, physically, and mentally rich environment discourages Dementia
R EFERENCE 100 Simple Things You Can Do to Prevent Alzheimer’s By Jean Carper 2010