Parental generation F 1 generation F 2 generation males Meiosis I Meiosis II w w w+w+ w+w+ y+y+ y+y+ yy PhenotypeGenotypeNumber FemaleMale FemaleMale X X Hypothesis: When two loci occur on one chromosome, meiosis results in two, rather than four, types of gametes because independent assortment does not occur. Results: There are four kinds of gametes rather than two due to occurrence of two recombinant genotypes. Novel genotypes w+w+ w+w+ w+w+ w+w+ w w ww y y yy y+y+ y+y+ y+y+ y+y+ wy + /Y w + y /Y wy /Y w + y + /Y wy + / w + y wy + / Y w + y / Y wy + / wy + w+yw+y wy + Gametes Red eyes Yellow bodyGray body White eyes Figure 10.15a,b Linkage hypothesisMorgan’s test of the hypothesis
Incomplete Dominance
F 2 generation
Genes with multiple alleles - human ABO blood groups i allele - not able to produce either a or b antigens from h antigen A allele - able to produce a antigen from h antigen B allele - able to produce b antigen from h antigen
Blood Types GenotypesABO Antigens Present OiiH AAA, AiH, A BBB, BiH, B AB H, A, B
1.Can you deduce the mechanism of inheritance of this rare kidney disease? 2.If 1 and 2 marry, what is the probability their first child will inherit the disease?