Risk Management – Denise McKenzie Safe Environment – Cheryl Sarkisian
Risk Forms: The Diocese of Fresno believes in keeping all Youth participants, volunteers and all personnel safe at all times during programs. We invite you to make it a habit and follow this simple rules.
Event Forms: Registration Form. Due on____________. Money paid to event by: ____________ Chaperones comply with Diocesan guidelines. 1 Chaperone per: ______ Teens. Name of participants (including phone no and personal information) assigned to each chaperone. (Each chaperone should have a list with him/her as well as group leader)
Code of Conduct: Participants “Code of Conduct” Form R-15. Chaperones “Code of Conduct” Form R-14. Participants under 18 Years of age: Diocese of Fresno Annual Parish Consent for Emergency Medical Treatment……Form R-22.. Parent or Guardian’s Request for Assistance with Physician Prescribed Medications… Form R-19. Participants over 18 Years of age: Diocese of Fresno Adult Release of Liability and Consent for Emergency Medical Treatment...Form R-21
II f anyone else besides the parent or guardian is going to be transporting the young people to the event: Parish Volunteer Driver Statement From. Form R-1. II f group is going to be leaving parish property: RRequest for Trip and Functions Form. (If a bus is going to be charter) ♦I♦If a bus is going to be chartered: RRequest for Certificate of Insurance. Form R-4