Summer Science Vocabulary Review Directions: Use the clues on each slide to complete your vocabulary sheet. Click again to get a hint for the first letter. You may refer to the word bank to help you. Each word will only be used once.
Vocabulary Word Bank Use this list to help you if you are stuck on a word. Be careful! The words will not be in order, and some of the words are very similar. Remember to click for a hint for the first letter! Week 1 Words Week 2 Words Week 3 Words Week 4 Words Week 5 Words Week 6 Words 1.Average 2.Variation 3.Classify 4.Primary 5.Cycle 1.Describe 2.Illustrate 3.Adaptation 4.Interpret 5.Potential 1.Interaction 2.Typical 3.Composition 4.Factor 5.Proportion 1.Differentiate 2.Document 3.Optimum 4.Interrelated 5.Magnify 1.Tendency 2.Recognize 3.Analyze 4.Encode 5.Decode 1.Compare 2.Contrast 3.Diagram 4.Range 5.Represent
1. to convert information into a code
2. To increase the actual size of something or to make something seem more important
3. To act on or with each other When one object hits another, there is a physical _________________. A conversation is another type of ______________________________.
4. A time frame where an event is regularly repeated Seasons, phases of the moon, and months all occur in a ___________________.
5. to present a likeness or image of; to be a sign or symbol of What do the symbols below _________________?
6. To identify from knowledge or characteristics Can you _________________________ the animal from just the picture of its pattern?
7. Having or showing characteristics or qualities that are expected It is _______________________ for cats to make a sound like “meow.”
8. To make or become different; to distinguish differences Can you ________________ between these three types of balls?
9. to translate into ordinary understandable language Can you use the table to _______________ a message?
10. The best or most favorable condition for a particular situation. The chart shows the ______________ results for success.
11. Putting together; to make whole by combing parts. This diagram shows the _____________ of the earth, which is made up of layers.
12. a sketch, drawing, or plan that explains a thing The _______________ below shows the structure of a carbon atom.
13. to separate a thing or idea into its parts to find out their nature or examine the details To solve a problem, you must _____________ its individual parts.
14. An urge or likelihood to do something Nocturnal animals have a _____________ to sleep in the daytime.
15. to examine, observe or discover similarities The middle section of the Venn Diagram is where we can ______________ the similarities between solids and liquids.
16. To add up all numbers and then divide by the total amount of numbers added The __________ of numbers is frequently used to determine results in science, math, and sports.
17. To tell about something in detail Please ________________ your results using words, pictures, diagrams, and charts.
18. Something that has a lot of possibility; unrealized capabilities An infant has the ________________ to learn almost anything.
19. To explain the meaning of or make something understandable We need to use different tools to ___________ words in other languages and in science.
20. Something that actively contributes to the results or process The sun is a major _________________ in the growth of plants and other living things.
21. To support something with evidence Please _____________ your findings with a detailed report.
22. To make clear by use of an example or comparison. (can be a picture) Can you ________________ an example to make your ideas more clear?
23. To change an object or routine What is the _______________ in the apples below?
24. A part, share, or portion; especially compared to the whole About what ______________ of the whole is the orange slice?
25. The act or process of adjusting to new conditions Polar bears and humans have different methods of ___________ to the snow.
26. Where something occurs first in time, order or importance. The ________________ colors are red, blue, and yellow.
27. When people or events depend on one another. Nearly everything on earth is ___________ in some way.
28. to show differences Although apples and oranges are both fruits, there are many ways to __________their differences.
29. to arrange in a certain order, class or category These elephants are in a ___________ according to size.
30. To arrange things according to class or category. How did we ___________ these two groups?
Congratulations! Once you have completed your Vocabulary Review, have your teacher give you permission to check your answers. Be sure your spelling is correct. 1.Encode 2.Magnify 3.Interaction 4.Cycle 5.Represent 6.Recognize 7.Typical 8.Differentiate 9.Decode 10.Optimum 11.Composition 12.Diagram 13.Analyze 14.Tendency 15. Compare 16. Average 17.Describe 18. Potential 19. Interpret 20. Factor 21. Document 22. Illustrate 23. Variation 24. Proportion 25. Adaptation 26. Primary 27. Interrelated 28. Contrast 29. Range 30. Classify