Productive Group Work Nancy Frey San Diego State University PPT at Click “Resources” Nancy Frey San Diego State University PPT at Click “Resources” Productive Group Work
Health Sciences High and Middle College
Best School in the Universe
Purposeful Teaching Focus Lessons Guided Collaborative Independent
What works?
Reverse effects Developmental effects Teacher effects Zone of desired effects Hattie, J. (2009). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses related to achievement. New York: Routledge. Negative Low Medium High Small group learning: d = 0.49
Reverse effects Developmental effects Teacher effects Zone of desired effects Hattie, J. (2009). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses related to achievement. New York: Routledge. Negative Low Medium High Meta-cognitive Strategies: d = 0.69
Reverse effects Developmental effects Teacher effects Zone of desired effects Hattie, J. (2009). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses related to achievement. New York: Routledge. Negative Low Medium High Reciprocal Teaching: d = 0.74
Gradual Release of Responsibility: A Framework for Instruction Gradual Release of Responsibility: A Framework for Instruction
TEACHER RESPONSIBILITY STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY Focus Lesson Guided Instruction “I do it” “We do it” “You do it together” Collaborative Independent “You do it alone” A Model for Success for All Students Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2008). Better learning through structured teaching: A framework for the gradual release of responsibility. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
The sudden release of responsibility TEACHER RESPONSIBILITY STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY Focus Lesson “I do it” Independent “You do it alone” Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2008). Better learning through structured teaching: A framework for the gradual release of responsibility. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
DIY School TEACHER RESPONSIBILITY (none) STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY Independent “You do it alone” Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2008). Better learning through structured teaching: A framework for the gradual release of responsibility. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Time for a story
TEACHER RESPONSIBILITY STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY Focus Lesson Guided Instruction “I do it” “We do it” “You do it together” Collaborative Independent “You do it alone” A Model for Success for All Students Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2008). Better learning through structured teaching: A framework for the gradual release of responsibility. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Conversational Roundtable Your Notes:Group Member #2: Group Member #3: Group Member #4: Summarize
How Do You Know It’s Productive?
What does it look like? What does it sound like?
What are your favorite ways to encourage collaboration between students? What are the benefits and challenges?
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY Productive group work Group and individual accountability Productive failure Collaborative
Students are consolidating their understanding Negotiating understanding with peers Engaging in inquiry Apply knowledge to novel situations
Quality Indicator #1 Complexity of Task: The task is a novel application of a grade-level appropriate concept and is designed so that the outcome is not guaranteed (a chance for productive failure exists).
Productive failure
Quality Indicator #2 Joint attention to tasks or materials Students are interacting with one another to build each other’s knowledge. Outward indicators include body language and movement associated with meaningful conversations, and shared visual gaze on materials.
Look down, not up.
Quality Indicator #3 Argumentation not arguing: Student use accountable talk to persuade, provide evidence, ask questions of one another, and disagree without being disagreeable.
The Helping Curriculum
Quality Indicator #4 Language support: Written, verbal, teacher, and peer supports are available to boost academic language usage.
Can you buy your way to happiness? HSHMC Essential Question #
The evidence shows that ____. The evidence shows that poor people are not unhappy. The evidence shows that just because you win the lottery you are not guaranteed happiness.
My own view, however, is that ___. My own view, however, is that happiness is not based solely on money. My own view, however, is that happiness is a combination of things that happen and don’t happen to a person over his or her lifetime.
Quality Indicator #5 Grouping: Small groups of 2-5 students are purposefully constructed to maximize individual strengths without magnifying areas of needs ( heterogeneous grouping ).
Quality Indicator #6 Teacher role: What is the teacher doing while productive group work is occurring ?
What are your favorite ways to encourage collaboration between students? What are the benefits and challenges?
Demonstration Lesson: Contributions of Islam 7th Grade History/Social Sciences 7.2.6: Understand the intellectual exchanges among Muslim scholars of Eurasia and Africa and the contributions Muslim scholars made to later civilizations in the areas of science, geography, mathematics, philosophy, medicine, art, and literature. Starring: Anticipatory Activities, Read Alouds, Questioning, Notetaking, Writing to Learn, and Questioning!
What does Islam have to do with libraries, hospitals, and paper? Writing to Learn and Questioning
Anticipatory Activity
The House of Wisdom by Florence Parry Heide, illustrated by Mary Grandpré Read Aloud
55:45-1:09 Vocabulary
The historian al-Maqrizi described the opening of the House of Wisdom in 1004: "In 1004 A.D. 'The House of Wisdom' was opened. The students took up their residence. The books were brought from [many other] libraries... and the public was admitted. Whosoever wanted was at liberty to copy any book he wished to copy, or whoever required to read a certain book found in the library could do so. Scholars studied the Qur'an, astronomy, grammar, lexicography and medicine. The building was, moreover, adorned by carpets, and all doors and corridors had curtains, and managers, servants and porters were appointed to maintain the establishment. Out of the library of Caliph al-Hakim those books were brought which he had gathered-- books in all sciences and literatures and of exquisite calligraphy such as no king had ever been able to bring together. Al-Hakim permitted admittance to everyone, without distinction of rank, who wished to read or consult any of the books."
What does Islam have to do with libraries, hospitals, and paper?
TEACHER RESPONSIBILITY STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY Focus Lesson Guided Instruction “I do it” “We do it” “You do it together” Collaborative Independent “You do it alone” A Model for Success for All Students Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2008). Better learning through structured teaching: A framework for the gradual release of responsibility. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Productive failure
The Helping Curriculum
Productive Group Work Nancy Frey San Diego State University PPT at Click “Resources” Nancy Frey San Diego State University PPT at Click “Resources” Productive Group Work