QUALITATIVE VS QUANTITATIVE DATA Takes notes on the following slides and answer the questions on the Google form called “Quantitative and Quantitative Data”
Types of Data Qualitative data is descriptive (qualities) Quantitative data is numerical (quantities) Quantitative can be broken into discrete and continuous data. Discrete: data that is counted Continuous: data that is measured
An example What do we know about these dogs? (Roxy and Wicket) Qualitative They have black, brown, and white hair They have lots of energy Roxy is a girl, Wicket is a boy Quantitative Discrete: Each dog has 4 legs. Each dog has 2 eyes! Continuous: Wicket weighs 5.3 lbs and Roxy weighs 6.6 lbs,
Your turn For the following pictures, give 2 examples of qualitative data, and 2 examples of quantitative data (discrete or continuous, you choose). Fill out your answer on the Google form called “Quantitative and Qualitative Data”