Steven Williams CIS
Slide Content 1. What is a National ID card? 2. Origin of the National ID card 3. Supporters of National ID card 4. Why National ID’s are no good 5. Video about National ID cards 6. Graph 7. Current Events 8. Voice your opinion/Be Heard 9. Reference Click to Slide 6
What is a National ID card? A National ID Card is a National Identity Card It is a plastic card, similar to a credit card only that it contains all of YOUR personal and important information on it, and instead of that information being private the government has all information they need to know about you. Looking at the card you will see a picture of yourself followed by certain features and qualities about yourself. The card is basically a portable document used to confirm ones identity. The information on the national id card is digitally installed. Some of the information about yourself that you will find on your very own ID card if you are to receive one, would be information such as your fingerprints, scan of your iris and your DNA profile just to name a few.
Origin of the Nation ID card The idea of the National ID cards in America was heavily considered after the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, Countries have discussed developing these cards so that terrorists are not identified as law biding citizens. After the attack on the World Trade Center America was definitely vulnerable and willing to take extreme measures to ensure our “safety”…so they say. In 2005 the REAL ID ACT was passed and it is generally the idea of National ID Cards, movements have been started and continuing since this Act was passed.
Supporters of National ID cards Our recent president George W. Bush is a supporter of National ID Cards. After September 11 President Bush thinks our country would be safer with National ID cards. Other Supporters include: Rudy Giuliani. In Giuliani’s defense he says that Credit Cards are great examples of large amounts of information being stored safely with no distrust of privacy. Denis Coderre. The Canadian minister for citizenship and immigration. Denis supports the idea of National ID cards because of his growing concern of rapid increase in identity in Canada.
Why National ID cards are no Good National ID cards are not a good idea to have because if you loose it, all your personal information; such as your addresses and your family members is at the fingertips of another person. If these cards are issued and for whatever reason you forget or loose your National ID you loose your privileges: 1. Drive YOUR car, 2. Board a plane, train or Bus, 3. enter any federal building, 4. open a bank 5. account and hold a job. Without a bank account or a job, what can one buy or sell??? How much are these cards? Reportedly on it would cost millions of dollars by the year, based on our current condition in today’s economy do you think it would be wise to throw money away in this direction before anything else. Lets Face it, these National ID Cards can be considered slavery or allowing the government to take control of the whole society. If we were to give in to these ID cards we would be for fitting some of our rights. The whole idea of a National ID Card is to sacrifice your liberties so that you would be or feel safer. The government will be able to track where you are at any given time, along with the ability to spy on you. The use of these cards not only takes away from our rights, it gives the government power to invade our privacy. By doing this we give them more power to enforce laws! Other countries have already started using Real ID cards which is kind of like a National ID card and there is no proven success of ridding terrorism and/or crime with the use of them. Its all about control. With these National ID card the government will continue to have there secrecy while invading our privacy
Video about National ID Cards In this video Tucker Carlson has an interview with the congressman of Texas, Ron Paul. In this interview Ron Paul talks about why national ID cards would not be good for Americans. Also the rights in which they confine.
Graph The Waning support of National ID Cards. According to a nationwide pole surveyed by Gartner Inc. back in March of 2002 shows that 41% of Americans opposed a National Identification system, while 26% backed it.
Current Events On these Websites you will find some current events on what is being done and said about National ID Cards: This website provides a summary of where other countries stand on national ID cards. ml National ID Cards:5 Reasons why they should be Rejected Man caught making fake National ID Cards
Be Heard!!! After a small idea of what National ID cards are about I hope you can start to see why they can be detrimental to our society. There are many places you can go to be heard: You can visit and this website at You can also call ENDTIME
References McCullagh, Declan. “National ID Cards on the way.” 14 Feb Nov << html Wadham, John. “5 Reasons against National ID cards.” Apr Nov << Watson, Paul. “Ron Paul attack’s Giuliani's support of national ID cards.” 7 Jun Nov > Schreers, Julia. “Support for ID Cards Waning.” 13 Mar Nov < > McCullagh, Declan. “National ID Cards on the way.” 14 Feb Nov << html Wadham, John. “5 Reasons against National ID cards.” Apr Nov << Watson, Paul. “Ron Paul attack’s Giuliani's support of national ID cards.” 7 Jun Nov > Schreers, Julia. “Support for ID Cards Waning.” 13 Mar Nov < > To Title Slide