CONTRACTING FOR CARBON Legal Framework for JI Projects under the Kyoto Protocol
A Major Legal Challenge First Bank Private Public Fund to Fund to provide returns to donors/contributors Designed to buy something that does not exist From people who may not be able to sell it Which Bank cannot own Rules keep changing
Joint Implementation Requirements for Participation: National inventories and registries Project baselines and inventories Additionally of the project Credit sharing Host country approval
Art. 6 KP 6 (1) For the purpose of meeting its commitments under Article 3, any Party included on Annex I may transfer to, or acquire from, any other such Party emission reduction units resulting from projects aimed at reducing anthropogenic emissions by sources […] 6 (3) Any Party included in Annex I may authorize legal entities to participate, […], in actions leading to the generation, transfer or acquisition under this Article of emission reduction units.
Emission Reductions Generated by JI projects before 2008 Forward selling of credits Advantage: e.g. market development, providing start-up capital for mitigation measures. Condition: Transparent registries for recording and tracking forward sales, as well as transparent emissions inventories
The Multiple Lives of an Emission Reduction Emission Reduction Generated by a Project Verified by an independent entity Assigned Amount Units National Registry Emission Reduction Units Adding a Project Identifier Emission Reduction Units Account of Parties or Private Entities converted transferred
ERs-AAUs-ERUs Selling Party issues ERUs by converting AAUs previously issued by that Party and held in its national registry AAUs will be converted in an ERUs by adding project identifier to the serial number and changing the type indicator to indicate ERU Upon such issuance the Party will transfer ERUs to account of project participants and Parties It also will notify the Secretariat transaction log
Selling Forward ERs I ERUs Emission Target Hot Air
Selling Forward ERs II Selling Forward ERs
PCF Legal Documents
Basic Approach Emission Reductions (Host Country + Project Entity) Payments (PCF)
World Bank /PCF UNFCCC rules Host government (transferring country) Project entity PCF : Actors involved Annex 1 Government (acquiring country) – PCF Participants (Gov. + Priv.)
Host Country PCF Trustee Project Entity 1. Letter of Project Endorsement National Legislative Framework / Agreement / Authorization 3. Host Country Agreement 4. Emission Reductions Purchase Agreement Legal Agreements for PCF Projects 2. Letter of Intent
PCF Key Legal Instruments Letter of Project Endorsement Letter of Intent Host Country Agreement Emission Reductions Purchase Agreement
Host Country PCF Trustee Project Entity 1. Letter of Project Endorsement National Legislative Framework / Agreement / Authorization 3. Host Country Agreement 4. Emission Reductions Purchase Agreement Legal Agreements for PCF Projects 2. Letter of Intent
16 Letter of Project Endorsement Host Country endorses further development of the project for the purposes of the UNFCCC/KP Host Country: Signals Commitment to render aid and assistance (e.g. registration of the ERs in any international or national regulatory regime) Approves projects for KP purposes Allows access to information
Host Country PCF Trustee Project Entity 1. Letter of Project Endorsement National Legislative Framework / Agreement / Authorization 3. Host Country Agreement 3. Emission Reductions Purchase Agreement Legal Agreements for PCF Projects 2. Letter of Intent
Letter of Intent Project Sponsor agrees –To reserve exclusive right to ERs generated by the project –To recover project preparation costs in case project sponsor decides not to negotiate an ERPA PCF Trustee agrees –To purchase ERs under specific terms
Host Country PCF Trustee Project Entity 1. Letter of Project Endorsement National Legislative Framework / Agreement / Authorization 3. Host Country Agreement 3. Emission Reductions Purchase Agreement Legal Agreements for PCF Projects 2. Letter of Intent
Host Country Agreement PCF Trustee Host Country Obligation to enter into an ERPA Obligation to transfer ERs
Main Elements of Host Country Agreement (HCA) PCF commits to –buy ERs Host Country commits to –authorize the transfer of ERs by the Project Entity to the PCF or –transfer ERs to the PCF
Host Country PCF Trustee Project Entity 1. Letter of Project Endorsement National Legislative Framework / Agreement / Authorization 3. Host Country Agreement 3. Emission Reductions Purchase Agreement Legal Agreements for PCF Projects 2. Letter of Intent
Emission Reductions Purchase Agreement PCF Trustee Project Entity Purchase Price (net of costs) Exclusive Right of Certification and Verification of purchased ERs (ERs) Transfer of ERs
Main Elements of Emission Reductions Purchase Agreement (ERPA) Purchase of ERs from the Project Entity / Payment for achieving ERs PCF commits to arrange for initial and periodical verification, validation and certification. Transfer of ERs
Host Country PCF Trustee Project Entity 1. Letter of Project Endorsement 2. Host Country Agreement and ERPA Legal Agreements for PCF Projects 3. Subsidiary Agreement
PCF Trustee Project Entities 3. Letters of Project Approval 4. Standard Emission Reductions Purchase Agreements Legal Agreements for PCF Projects Model for Small Projects Host Country 1. Umbrella Agreement 2. Letter(s) of Intent
PCF Trustee 2. Host Country Agreement Legal Agreements for PCF Projects Model for working with Intermediaries Host Country Intermediary 1. Intermediary Agreement 3. Standard Letters of Project Approval Project Entities 4. Emission Reduction Purchase Agreements