The Pink and White Terraces By Yang-Fan and Christopher Room 22 27/06/11
What are the Pink and White Terraces? The Pink and White Terraces were created by the thick amounts of silica in the waters of Lake Rotomahana.
Where were they? They were located on the edges of Lake Rotomahana. Lake Rotomahana is near Rotorua.
What happened to them? It was destructed maybe by a volcano eruption. It could have been because of the eruption of Mt. Terawera which is 5km up in the north.
What have been found? A portion of the Pink Terraces were found in February Another portion of the White Terraces were also found in June 2011
What else do you know? It is also known as. The Geothermal areas in the Yellowstone Park is similar to it.