Marzano’s Classroom Instruction that Works Robyn Lopez and Anne Laskey July 22, 2015
Nine Categories and Percentile Gains O Identifying Similarities & Differences 45% O Summarizing & Note Taking 35% O Reinforcing Effort & Providing Recognition 29% O Homework & Practice 28% O Nonlinguistic Representation 27% O Cooperative Learning 27% O Setting Objectives & Providing Feedback 23% O Generating & Testing Hypotheses 23% O Questions, Cues, & Advanced Organizers 23%
Similarities and Differences O Compare O Classify O Creating Metaphors O Creating Analogies
Identifying Similarities and Differences Recommendations for Classroom Practice O Give students a model for the process O Use familiar content to teach students the steps O Give students graphic organizers O Guide students as needed
Identifying Similarities and Differences COMPARING …is the process of identifying similarities and differences between or among things or ideas.
Identifying Similarities and Differences CLASSIFYING …is the process of grouping things that are alike into categories on the basis of their characteristics.
Identifying Similarities and Differences CREATING METAPHORS …is the process of identifying a general or basic pattern in a specific topic and then find another topic that appears to be quite different but that has the same general pattern.
Identifying Similarities and Differences CREATING ANALOGIES …is the process of identifying relationships between pairs or concepts, in other words, identifying relationships between relationships.
What Is Summarizing? O Summarizing is a skill with high-reaching implications for reading comprehension and content area success. O When summarizing students are asked to take larger sections of text and reduce it to their bare essentials, the gist, the key ideas, and the main points that are worth noting remembering.
Summarize When… O You want to establish background or offer an overview of a topic. O You want to describe common knowledge (from several sources) about a topic. O You want to determine the main idea of a single source.
What Usually Happens vs. What You Want Them to Do O They write down everything Pull out main idea O They write down next to nothing Focus on key details O They give complete sentences Use Key words/ phrases O They write way too much Break down the larger ideas O They don’t write enough Write only enough to convey the gist O They copy word for word Takes succinct but complete notes
Graphic Organizers …are one of the most popular ways for students to represent the knowledge they have encountered in a critical-input experience. ~ Marzano They provide a visual framework that helps students interpret, organize, and represent relationships found in text.
Why Use Graphic Organizers O Higher-level thinking O Comprehension O Memory O Brain-based learning O Multiple intelligence O Language learning & ESL O Promote focused discussion O Assist instructional planning O Activate and develop prior knowledge O Flexible & endless in application
Five Main Types of Graphic Organizers O Web O Chart/Matrix O Tree/Map O Chain O Venn Diagram
Cooperative Learning CLASSROOM PRACTICE O Use a variety of criteria for grouping students O Informal Groups, Formal Groups, Base Groups O Can be used to: - clarify expectations for tasks - focus students’ attention - allow students tie to more deeply process information - provide time for closure O Manage group size O Combining cooperative learning with other classroom structures
Cooperative Learning Variety of Reasons to Use Cooperative Learning O Broadens student’s range of experiences to enhance the workplace of the future O Provides a variety of ways to foster communications skills, high-level thinking skills, and social skills
Cues & Questions O Are at the heart of classroom practice O Might account for as much as 80% of what occurs in a given classroom O Are ways that a classroom teacher helps students use what they already know about a topic
Generalizations That Guide Teachers in Using Cues & Questions O Should focus on what is important as opposed to what is unusual O Higher level questions vs. Lower level questions O Wait-time
Jerry Seinfield’s SNL History Lesson
Classroom Practices in Cues & Questions O Explicit Cues O Questions that Elicit Inferences O Analytic Questions
Six Steps to Effective Vocabulary Instruction Step 1: The teacher provides a description, explanation, or example of the new term. Step 2: Students restate the explanation of the new term in their own words. Step 3: Students create a nonlinguistic representation of the term. Step 4: Students periodically do activities that help them add to their knowledge of vocabulary terms. Step 5: Periodically students are asked to discuss the terms with one another. Step 6: Periodically students are involved in games that allow them to play with the terms.
We are at the beginning of a new era in education… …one in which research will provide strong, explicit guidance for the classroom teacher. ~Robert Marzano