Shelita A. McCadney Teacher Quality Team
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6 Robert Marzano
8 Nine “High-Yield” strategies 27 Modules Recommendations for classroom practice Examples Assessment rubrics Implementation Framework and Assessments Module Reflection Nine “High-Yield” strategies 27 Modules Recommendations for classroom practice Examples Assessment rubrics Implementation Framework and Assessments Module Reflection
1. Cooperative Learning 2. Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback 3. Homework and Practice 4. Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition 5. Identifying similarities and differences 6. Cues, Questions and Advance Organizers 7. Summarizing and Note Taking 8. Representing Knowledge 9. Generating and Testing Hypotheses 9
“Teaching is a complex endeavor” - Robert J. Marzano As we read you should not: 1. Limit your strategies to only the strategies outlined in the text. 2. Assume that the “high yield” strategies will always work. 10
12 Module 12 Pg. 161
13 What questions do I have about using cooperative learning? What is my purpose for using cooperative learning? What kinds of cooperative learning activities do I use with my students?
Cooperative Learning Yields a 23 percentile gain That is, students scoring at the 50th percentile on achievement tests would be predicted to score at the 73rd percentile after clear cooperative learning has been introduced. 14
Little Susie who in a grade population of 100. Before cooperative learning is in the 50 th percentile ranked about no. 49 or 50. After cooperative learning in a grade of 100 has percentile gains of 23 points, ranks about no. 27 or 28 now. *It takes an entire standard deviation to move percentile points. You are working hard! 15
16 Using elements of cooperative learning Varying grouping criteria Managing group size Using elements of cooperative learning Varying grouping criteria Managing group size
17 1. Positive Interdependence 2. Face to Face Promotive interaction 3. Individual and group accountability 4. Interpersonal and small group skills 5. Group processing 1. Positive Interdependence 2. Face to Face Promotive interaction 3. Individual and group accountability 4. Interpersonal and small group skills 5. Group processing
19 3-5 students are recommended Count-off quick groups Student choice No student not chosen 3-5 students are recommended Count-off quick groups Student choice No student not chosen
20 Group goals (fig 12.3) Interpersonal skills (fig 12.4) Group maintenance (fig 12.5) Group goals (fig 12.3) Interpersonal skills (fig 12.4) Group maintenance (fig 12.5)
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