NAUTeach: WANTED-Partnerships with Schools and Mentor Teachers October 8, 2011 Sharon Cardenas James Southall David Thompson
The state of Arizona is confronted with serious shortages in secondary mathematics & science teachers. Hundreds are needed– and the shortage is growing. Well trained educators are needed everywhere. Will you help? It has been estimated that 650 new secondary mathematics and science teachers are needed every year for the next 10 years in Arizona alone.
Current Numbers of Graduating Mathematics and Science Teachers
Need for Quality Field Experiences Critical part of teacher preparation: Great Mentor Teachers Mentor teachers provide authentic field opportunities to pre-service teacher candidates Mentor teachers guide and model how new teachers will begin their teaching career
What Qualities do Mentor Teachers Need to See in Prospective Student Teachers?
Hometowns of NAUTeach Students 9.17% 6.67% 21.67% 10% S. AZ (other) 0.83% Arizona (other) 7.5% 44.16%
NAU’s Three Paths to Certification…All are NCATE Accredited Undergraduate Program: NAUTeach – Science & Mathematics – BSEd from Science or Math Departments Graduate Certificate Program: CMOST – Post-bac at graduate level – Science & Mathematics Master of Arts Program: MAT-S with Certification
NAUTeach 2007 NAU awarded $4.6 million grant from NMSI An undergraduate degree & certification program for secondary science and mathematics teachers Modeled after the UTeach program designed at the University of Texas at Austin Check out the UTeach model at:
Benefits of NAUTeach Science or Mathematics majors can graduate in four years with a Bachelor of Science degree in their field of study along with secondary certification (BSEd) Certification courses designed specifically for science/mathematics majors Early and intensive field experiences beginning in Freshman year
Benefits of NAUTeach Loan Forgiveness programs (if agreement to teach) Scholarships and Internships that pay for work in educational settings (Noyce Fellows) Continued support during teaching career with Induction seminar and mentoring
NAUTeach Field Experiences Step One: Elementary Schools Step Two: Middle Schools Classroom Interactions, Project-based Instruction: High Schools Apprentice Teaching: Secondary Schools
NAUTeach Enrollments by Semester
UTeach Replication Universities Cross-Site Comparison Mean (over all universities) =1.7% Fall 2010 = 4.6% of Science/Math majors enrolled in NAUTeach
NAUTeach Expansion Mesa Community College (EDU 111): – Fall 2010: 10 students in Step 1 – Spring 2011: 25 students in Step 1 – Steady state: 50 students in Step 1, 30 students in Step 2, 25 students transfer to NAU each year
District and School Partnerships Diversity: Diverse settings where our students can acquire skills to teach Inquiry: Opportunities to implement structured to open inquiry and project based instruction Technology: Student teachers are ready to incorporate technology in the fields of science and mathematics Assessment: Continuous assessment of student learning
WANTED: School and District Partnerships How might we be able to work with you to establish this in your district or school? What contacts need to be made in order to establish this?
Rural and Urban Partnerships Many of our students have obligations to teach in Title I schools Rural areas often find it hard to recruit new math and science teachers
Current NAUTeach Partners Coco. County Superintendent Beaver Creek USD Flagstaff USD Maine CSD Mesa USD (Mesa CC) Tuba City USD Camp Verde USD Williams CSD Winslow USD
Hometowns of NAUTeach Students 9.17% 6.67% 21.67% 10% S. AZ (other) 0.83% Arizona (other) 7.5% 44.16%
Barriers & Solutions For student teaching placements in rural areas…. For Title I schools…..
Retention of Teachers UT Program has 85% of teachers in the classroom 5 years after they started National average is about 50% If we go through so much work to prepare teachers, we want them to stay in the teaching profession!!!
Benefits for Mentor Teachers Contribute to the profession Professional growth through mentorship Potential to re-vitalize your program Payment of either $360. or six credits tuition waiver
What can you do with tuition waiver? Master of Arts in Science Teaching (MAST) degree at NAU Master of Arts Teaching Mathematics (MAT) degree at NAU Or other programs….
Online Availability MAST: – 12 credits in SCI education coursework requirements are available online; – 18 credits of science coursework that needs to be taken from the Flagstaff Mountain Campus
Other Programs at NAU Graduate Certificate Mathematics or Science Teaching C-MOST Master of Arts in Science Teaching MAST Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics MAT
MA Science Teaching For continuing professionals (36 hours) Flexible course sequences for teachers who want additional content or education coursework, and for people who want to teach at the community college level Many courses available on-line synchronous Website: Online.asp?Menu=AcademicPrograms&SubMenu=GraduatePrograms Online.asp?Menu=AcademicPrograms&SubMenu=GraduatePrograms
MAT Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics For continuing professionals (36 hours) Program is available fully online Website: ograms/MATinMathematics.shtml
Opportunities with Community College Partners Growing Mesa Community College: Adams Elementary School As the program expands, additional opportunities may open across the state
Contact – Associate Director Academic Programs – Master Teacher, NAUTeach – Student Teaching University Supervisor