Personal technology by Shane Brennan Hi my name is Shane and I am here today to talk to you about the development of personal technology. This includes the likes of I pads and I phones X boxes, play stations mp3 players etc.
The I phone 5 There was divided opinion on this type of phone. Some people liked the bigger screen because it was easier to see but others prefer the smaller version. This is just one of the massive breakthroughs in technology in recent years. From the big phone in the wall to the big mobile phone to the small compact mobile phone and now today we have smart phones which include everything from apps to internet to calculator, stopwatch, diary’s, and Wi-Fi. We think today that things are so easy these days to access but as they say the day technology stops we are in trouble. Good news though it’s not going to stop!
A view into the past and present In days gone by people just got up and struggled through day to day life- for example our grandparents growing up mostly from what I hear had to walk to school in their bare feet. They also would not have had home heating the way we have today or game boys, TV’s, play stations etc. Also they had very little technology to do with farming they had to do everything by hand. They also had to wash everything by hand. They also wore the same clothes over and over again as well. But today things have changed - Washing machines, oil, gas, fires, electric heaters, microwaves, and ironing boards I could go on for hours telling you the differences but thankfully from your point of view I won’t! The point I’m trying to come to is things have changed! For good or for bad time will tell! These days in my view some people loose contact with the real world. For example Face book, twitter- instead of talking to your friends face to face or spending times with your friends and family. Also youngsters are the future for sports - soccer, hurling, football, handball, swimming etc. It’s not going to be much good to the coaches that give up their valuable time to get the best for the children. It’s the simple things in life that are unfortunately going to go.
How this change is going to come about Scientists are working on a day to day basis. One of the things I learned is that in the future the way we can read a paper is we can touch the paper and it will bring up all the information you need to know in an instant. So the conclusion is that newspapers are going digital wherever you are. Also in time to come there is going to be robotic hands and legs which are said to be more powerful than humans- Scary. Also it could come to a lot of good because it was announced that scientists have been given the go ahead to produce cells from the bow and marrow.
Watches - The I’m watch. The watch people wear on their hand is now going to a totally new level. This watch can send out emergency signals that can go as far as outer space. For this level of safety it would cost you 12,000 pounds. These watches really are not watches at all they are known as a wrist mobile phone! You can make and receive calls and even send and receive text messages. As well as that you can watch and listen to multi- media content. The down fall of this though is you need to have a steady hand and a lot of skill as the buttons are so small. This is even said to be better to use than a smart phone these days. The watch also connects via blue tooth. Also you can go on the internet but before that you have to get the I’m cloud app- it connects to android so it’s alright! Most of the apps work to a whole but the experience is a bit slow unfortunately. A downer is that it is not water resistant.
The pebble watch It has a lot to live up to. It’s not as good however as it has to be connected to your phone before it would do anything. It’s high in demand though! Its water poof to 50m but it’s said that its plastic feel may not be for everyone. There are some interesting apps in use. Like different types of watch faces and a fitness app. The apps may well prove rather the pebble is a success or not. So to conclude on this part this shows that technology has a way in the future even if not quite realised at this present time! There is another massive step going to happen in the near personal technology.
the Google driverless car. This has been made possible believe it or not by a search engine company in Google. It is powered by artificial intelligence that utilizes the input from the video inside the car. The car has a sensor at the top. It also has radars and sensors attached to different areas of the car. The car has already been in action. It has travelled 1609 kilometres without the human person having to do anything. Will it take off? It’s had a good start. A fact is you can count on one hand the number of years it will take before the normal person can experience this massive breakthrough for themselves!
The final item I would like to talk about is the revolutionary Google glass. This type of technology has already been used in simulated experiment and in education. With Google glass you are able to get access to social media, feeds, text, google and navigate with gps. You are also able to take photos. As well you will be able to get the latest updates while on the ground. The device is currently only available to people with a large amount of money $1500 incredible!
So over all technology has a massive future and I’m looking forward to seeing it progress in the coming years and months. Doing this project has also opened my eyes to the future so it was very worth - while to see some different items in action.