CSCE 431: Licensing and Software Engineering Code of Ethics
Professional Engineer License Professional Engineering (PE) license Can put “P.E.” after your name Cannot legally call yourself an “engineer” without a PE Cannot engage in “practice of engineering” without a PE “the performance of or an offer or attempt to perform any public or private service or creative work, the adequate performance of which requires engineering education, training, and experience in applying special knowledge or judgment of the mathematical, physical, or engineering sciences to that service or creative work” A crime to practice engineering without a PE Exemption for most people working for private corporations, esp. in electronics, computers, software Safety-critical tasks eventually fall under licensing CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics
CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics PE License (cont.) National Society of Professional Engineers ( National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (SCEES) ( Develops and administers exams Governed by state laws State licensure boards Texas Board of Professional Engineers ( CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics
CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics Licensing Process Earn 4-year engineering degree from ABET-accredited university Pass Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam Covers engineering fundamentals One test for all engineers Taken during senior year or soon after graduation Become engineer-in-training (EIT) Complete 4 years of progressive engineering experience under a PE Keep journal of engineering work – verified by supervisor Engineering MS/PhD partially counts in most states CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics
Licensing Process (cont.) 3 confidential references from PEs who are familiar with your work record Pass Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) exam 8 hour open-book exam in your area of practice Software Engineering Principles and Practice PE exam Offered first in April 2013 in Texas and several other states Mac Lively and other TAMU faculty worked on the development of a PE in Software Engineering Covers Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics
Licensing Process (cont.) Software Engineering PE Exam Requirements 17.5% Design 13.75% Construction 11.25% Testing 12.5% Maintenance 7.5% Configuration Management 7.5% Engineering Processes 7.5% Quality Assurance 7.5% Safety, Security, and Privacy 15% CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics
CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics Maintaining License Maintain a PE requires maintaining competence in engineering practice Practicing as an engineer Continuing education Can obtain license in other states Must submit engineering record, references, exam results to that state licensure board CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics
CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics What Does a PE Do? Only a PE may prepare, sign and seal, and submit engineering plans and drawings to a public authority for approval, or seal engineering work for public and private clients PEs are responsible for the lives affected by their work and must hold themselves to high ethical standards of practice A PE is a legal requirement for those who are in responsible charge of work, be they principals or employees In many federal, state, and municipal agencies, certain governmental engineering positions, particularly those considered higher level and responsible positions, must be filled by a PE Many states require engineering faculty to hold a PE CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics
CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics The Seal Seal and sign designs Can use electronic version CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics
CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics Engineering Ethics Profession: The act of taking the vows of a particular community Profess: To act or admit freely CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics
CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics Engineering Ethics What is moral? What is ethical? What is legal? CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics
CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics Engineering Ethics Personal conduct Courtesy Appearance (clothing, grooming,…) Behavior (respect,…) CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics
CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics Engineering Ethics Ownership Of ideas IP Publications and citations Talks and lectures Of objects Software Products Work results Data Methods Art CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics
CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics Engineering Ethics Trustworthiness Safekeeping of privileged information and knowledge (trade secrets, classified information,…) Respect for contracts and agreements (NDA,…) Giving credit where it is due (crediting others contributions even if not obvious or known,…) CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics
CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics Engineering Ethics Contribute to society and human well-being (create value!) Avoid harm to others Fairness and non-discrimination Respect privacy CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics
CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics Engineering Ethics ACM’s Code of Conduct, Moral: Contribute to society and human well-being Avoid harm to others Be honest and trustworthy Be fair and take action not to discriminate Honor property rights (copyrights, patents) Give proper credit for Intellectual property Respect privacy Honor confidentiality CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics
CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics Engineering Ethics More Specific, Professional: Strive to achieve highest quality, effectiveness Acquire and maintain professional competence Know and respect existing laws of profession Accept and provide professional review Honor contracts, agreements Access computing resources only when authorized Similar Code of conduct for IEEE CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics
CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics ACM/IEEE-CS Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice Software engineers shall commit themselves to making the analysis, specification, design, development, testing and maintenance of software a beneficial and respected profession In accordance with their commitment to the health, safety and welfare of the public, software engineers shall adhere to the following Eight Principles CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics
SE Ethics Principles (1) PUBLIC - Software engineers shall act consistently with the public interest CLIENT AND EMPLOYER - Software engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best interests of their client and employer consistent with the public interest PRODUCT - Software engineers shall ensure that their products and related modifications meet the highest professional standards possible JUDGMENT - Software engineers shall maintain integrity and independence in their professional judgment CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics
SE Ethics Principles (2) MANAGEMENT - Software engineering managers and leaders shall subscribe to and promote an ethical approach to the management of software development and maintenance PROFESSION - Software engineers shall advance the integrity and reputation of the profession consistent with the public interest COLLEAGUES - Software engineers shall be fair to and supportive of their colleagues SELF - Software engineers shall participate in lifelong learning regarding the practice of their profession and shall promote an ethical approach to the practice of the profession CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics
CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics My Prediction A PE will be required for safety-critical software As Software Engineering PE becomes available in more states Legal risk mitigation will drive companies to use PE supervision of embedded SW development If a company was not engaged in best practices and a bad thing happened, they are at great financial risk Example Toyota sudden acceleration Did not use well-known SW safety practices They will be paying billions in legal settlements CSCE 431 Licensing and SE Code of Ethics