School Visit Jennifer Chacon Kristin Niederecker Laura Robles Ashley Stephenson
Foshay Learning Center (K-12) Weemes Elementary (K-5) Located: 3751 S. Harvard Blvd Located: 1260 W. 36th Pl.
South Pasadena (6-8) Located: 1600 Oak Street
Who went where? JenniferSouth Pasadena Middle School Grade: 8 Social Science; ELL Class Ms. Gomez (20 students) Ms. Martin (12 students) AshleyFoshay Learning Center Grade 7: English Ms. Dyes (34 students) KristinFoshay Learning Center Grade 10: AP World History Mr. Brown (20 students) LauraWeemes Elementary Grade 3: ESL Classroom Mr. Rumanos (16 students)
Our Questions: 1. In the observed lessons/ lesson plans is there actual visibility of standards and/or existence of frameworks in the classroom? 2. What evidence of implemented and working technology is there in the classroom? 3.How did the teacher accommodate English Language Learners, if there were any? 4. How is the seating arranged in the classroom? What is the effect of this arrangement? Is the classroom visually stimulating? 5. Does the teacher promote student involvement/participation?
What we found out… #1 Standards & Frameworks South Pasadena “SPMS Core Value Word of the Month” The week I was there, it was responsibility Posters up on bulletin boards in all classrooms Foshay (7th) Reading comprehension; writing applications; Speaking strategies (10th) Standards set in 10.2 of Social Sciences- Revolution of England & American Revolution *frameworks not posted in classroom Weemes Checklist on the board of things to accomplish daily (e.g. cursive, reading, phonics, parts of speech)
#2 Technology South Pasadena In the social studies classroom, there was one TV and one computer In the ELD classroom, there are two computers and one TV Foshay (7th) One computer for teacher; was not available to students; one projector; one stereo (10th) One computer; one overhead projector Weemes Eight computers (six new) with two seats per computer
#3 English Language Learners South Pasadena One class for all grades at the same level Mostly spoke Mandarin and Korean Foshay (7th) Most students proficient in English language (10th) Upper division course; all students fluent in English Weemes ESL Class - bilingual teacher; repetition of English words to help students learn
#4 Classroom Arrangement South Pasadena Social Studies room was aligned in rows with all studies facing the teacher or front of the room Seats in the ELD room were grouped together in groups of four. There was no real front of the room. Busy walls with lots of posters, work, etc… Foshay (7th) Seven tables with four students per table; three tables with two students; teacher’s desk in front right corner; English posters and classroom rules, posted on colored paper; world map; “Foshay Gallery” with student work (10th) Six rows with five-six desks per row; two tables along side of classroom; teacher’s desk in front left corner; front walls displayed four maps of United States Weemes Groups of three desks; marble awards per table; student work and newspaper clippings on the walls; alphabet with pictures; vocabulary list.
Foshay Learning Center Ms. DyesMr. Brown Teacher Door
#5 Student Participation South Pasadena Social Sciences - went over homework and discussion of newspaper ELD - based on student participation and immersion Foshay (7th) Promoted participation; involvement limited (10th) Lots of participation, open ended questions for more elaborate discussion; role playing (puts students in position of historical figures) Weemes Active teacher-moves around classroom addressing everyone & pays close attention; asks questions about readings to promote thinking
Emotional Response Pasadena (Jennifer): stimulating, comfortable Foshay (Ashley): comfortable; good relationship with teacher; authoritative, not authoritarian; Foshay (Kristin): inviting, at ease in environment - content to be there Weemes (Laura): enjoyable, entertaining students, friendly atmosphere
Critiques & Comments South Pasadena teachers understanding and patient Foshay (7th) Discipline; grading scale (10th) in tuned to students Weemes More things on wall Change seating arrangement standards