COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON AND STEELHEAD RETURNS FPAC and TMT – March 2013 Presented by: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
2013 Columbia River Forecasts 2 Forecasts and fishery recommendations developed by the Joint Columbia River Management Staff of the Oregon Dept Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) and Washington Dept. Fish & Wildlife (WDFW) Presented in the 2013 Joint Staff Report: Stock Status and Fisheries for Spring Chinook, Summer Chinook, Sockeye, Steelhead, and other species, and miscellaneous regulations. Jan 24, 2013 df df
TAC & Columbia River Compact 3 Report submitted to and reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee (US vs Oregon) and to the Columbia River Compact which adopts rules and seasons for Columbia River Fisheries. TAC includes staff from Federal and State Agencies & Tribes: USFWS, NMFS, CRITFC, CTUIR, CTWS, NPT, SBT, YN, WDFW, ODFW, IDFG
Upriver Spring Chinook 2013 Forecast 141,400 4
Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook 2013 Forecast: 58,200/ 18,000w 5
Upper Columbia Spring Chinook 2013 Forecast: 14,300/ 1,600w 6
Upper Columbia Summer Chinook 2013 Forecast 73, Forecast: 91, Return: 58,300 7
Columbia River Sockeye 2013 Forecast 180,500 8
Snake River Sockeye 2013 Forecast 1,250 9
Upriver Summer Steelhead 2013 Forecast ??? 10
Upriver Fall Chinook 2013 Forecast 540,500 11
Snake River Wild Fall Chinook 2012 Forecast: 31,600 12
Upriver Coho at Bonneville Dam 13
Upriver Coho Smolt Releases 14
Upriver Salmonid Returns 15
Total Counts of Adult Pacific Lamprey at Bonneville Dam,
Lamprey Passage at Bonneville Dam 17
Questions? 18