 87 of the top 100 active proven TPI sires are descendants of Planet, O Man, Shottle and Goldwyn.  58 descendants of O Man  32 descendants of Shottle.


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Presentation transcript:

 87 of the top 100 active proven TPI sires are descendants of Planet, O Man, Shottle and Goldwyn.  58 descendants of O Man  32 descendants of Shottle  39 descendants of Planet  67 sires are descendants of more than one of these sires * With ties there are a total of 102 active proven Holstein sires on the Aug active A.I. List

 User has ability to prioritize animals in the herd  Program prioritizes traits highly correlated to longer life of a cow  Udders  Intermediate optimum traits of rump angle and legs from the side.  Feet & legs  Frame

 There is a significant impact on herd life through the improvement of functional type traits.  Every 1 STA increase in FLC = 10 days increase in PL  Every 1 STA increase in UDC- = 18 days increase in PL  Imagine the financial impact of improving the UDC of an entire herd by one STA for Udders!  18 days X 25 liters/day X $.35/Liter = $157.50/cow  $157.50/cow X 100 Cows= $15,750/herd  $157.50/cow X 1000 Cows = $157,500/herd

 Herd Uniformity “Now that we have invested in a new milking parlor, achieving greater uniformity is our prime aim and I am confident we will do it with WMS' help." - Angus Maughan, Monk's Hall Farm, Cheshire, UK

 Heaviest used program in World  Started in 1973  Nearly 7 million cows mated in 2013  Currently being used all over the World- 55+ countries  Corrective type program that is designed to breed productive cows that stay in the herd  Focused on longevity traits  Focused on goals of each dairy customer

 Breed the type of cow you need.  Select bulls that will improve the weaknesses of the herd. Selection is number one in importance.  Mate each cow or heifer for maximum improvement.  Provide inbreeding and recessive gene management for maximum genetic gain.

* What genetics do work * Find the best bulls * For fertility * For production, health and type * Mate bulls to right cows * Utilize sexed and beef opportunities * Support farm fertility and management * Did our genetics work; validate!

 As we work to always improve technology we are proud to report to you that all of our sexed sorted semen at WWS is being produced using the Sexed Ultra technology in an effort to further improve conception rates

Semen is collected from selected bulls

A High Quality Semen Sample

Semen is identified and correctly labeled by the collector

An aliquot of semen is removed to evaluate the sperm cell concentration.

Sperm motility is visually estimated and antibiotics are added.

Sexing Technologies Laboratory

The semen is reevaluated by the technician for QC

Chemicals and media are prepared on site by ST technicians Water treatment

Semen sorters and computers

Select Sires/Sexing Technologies Semen Sorting System Single file sperm Laser Electromagnets Collection Tubes