Active Voice Active voice In most English sentences with an action verb, the subject performs the action denoted by the verb.verb
Active Voice Examples These examples show that the subject is completing the verb's action. Find the primary subject and the verb.subject The man must have eaten five hamburgers. Marilyn mailed her letter. Colorful parrots live in the rain forest. Because the subject does or "acts upon" the verb in such sentences, the sentences are said to be in the active voice.
Are the following active voices? The excited dog ran through the sprinklers several times. My absolutely favorite book, Pride and Prejudice, was written by Jane Austen. The ice cream was eaten by Nora. Edward Bloor wrote the book Tangerine. The gift card had been spent by mother already. Mrs. Sneed wrote a personal narrative, too. The song, “I will Always Love You,” was sung by Dolly Parton and Whitney Houston. The cake was made by Ms. Atherton.
Passive Voice Passive voice One can change the normal word order of many active sentences so that the subject is no longer active, but is, instead, being acted upon by the verb - or passive.
Passive Voice Examples Is your subject the who/what that is completing the action? The five hamburgers must have eaten by the man. The letter was mailed by Marilyn. Because the subject is being "acted upon" (or is passive), such sentences are said to be in the passive voice.
Are the following passive voices? The ice cream was eaten by Nora. Edward Bloor wrote the book Tangerine. The cake was made by Ms. Atherton. The gift card had been spent by mother already. Mrs. Sneed wrote a personal narrative, too. My absolutely favorite book, Pride and Prejudice, was written by Jane Austen. The song, “I will Always Love You,” was sung by Dolly Parton and Whitney Houston. The excited dog ran through the sprinklers several times.
Why would an author use active voice rather than passive voice? Paul quickly caught the ball from going into the net – saving the game! The was quickly caught from going into the net by Paul – saving the game! Think about what your focusing on.
Authors use active voice or passive voice depending on what they want you to focus on: Do they want you to focus on the person that is acting? Or Do they want you to focus on what the item being acted upon, rather than the person?
Ms. Sneed assigned a very detailed research paper. A very detailed research paper was assigned by Ms. Sneed.