Developing a Website for the Foreign Language Classroom F LAVA Conference, Williamsburg, VA October 2013 Annie Perrault Reichhoff US French Teacher Cape Henry Collegiate School VP Norfolk French Allaince
The Host is where you put your Website and all the Web pages The Host!
Free Web Hosting IT"S FREE! Has limitations 2 Types of Hosting Standard Web Hosting Not Free! More Options (Easy Website builder: html5, Flash, mobile, blogs, etc.) (Website & Blog builder, Photo album, Free domain) (Easy site builder, blog, forms, polls, Free subdomain) Top FREE hosting providers for WL site
List of Hosts with Website Builders
Domain A Domain is your website name Choose a short and easy Domain Name related to the topic of your site
Planning your WL site What are my site goals? Educate, Share, Fun.... Is it for students, teachers, others?
Planning your WL Website What information do I want to share? Class Material, Vocabulary, Grammar, Culture, Daily News...
Planning How do I want to share? Text, Blogs, Videos, Audio, Vodcast, Pictures...
Look at other sites Uses Build & Design
Look at other sites /spanish4fun/ uses Build & Design
Look at other sites uses Build & Design
Specific to World Language Theme can be easily changed. You may want to “try on” a few different themes Changing your theme will not affect the information added to the site. Don’t be afraid to switch things up. Theme
Choose basic fonts for Text Stick to black and grey fonts Save Fancier fonts for your Titles Use colored fonts sparingly Create a consistent design
Organize WL Site Clear Navigation Menu 3-5 Core Pages Home/Classes/Blog/Culture/Current Events Subpages about / students/ topics / print, radio or TV news
Core Pages Sub Pages
Use photos to help break up blank areas or large amount of text Photos
HTML Embed Code WOW!
HTML Embed code HTML is the most basic language used to build a Web page. It is the language which makes it possible to present information on the Internet. Web Page Editors - Finding the perfect editor will help you learn design, HTML, and CSS
HTML Embed Code End Product on Web Page
Tr ansmitting and updates news in an automated way. Most news sites (including virtually all blogs) will publish what is called an RSS feed which is regularly updated with the latest available headlines and/or articles. RSS Rich Site summary
Ressources Techniques/Davis-MultimediaSite/ uild_website.htm
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