Physical and Chemical Properties Of Alcohols! By Joe Glenwright
Physical Properties! They are influenced by the ability of alcohols to form Hydrogen bonds between –O-H groups on neighbouring molecules!
Volatility and Boiling Points! Hydrogen bonds are the strongest intermolecular force. They cause alcohols to have a relatively high melting and boiling points! But they also cause alcohols to have a lower volatility than alkanes of a similar molecular mass!
Solubility! Alcohols dissolve in water because hydrogen bonds form between the polar –O-H groups of the alcohols and water molecules! The first three members of the homologous series are soluble in water! Solubility decreases as the chain length increases; the larger part of the alcohol molecule is made up of a non-polar hydrocarbon chain. Also the hydrocarbon part of the chain doesn’t form hydrogen bonds with water!