Conferences – short report Barbara Ebert, Executive for Conferences Conferences: biennial events – Germany 2002, Belgium 2004, Norway 2006, Slovenia 2008, Denmark 2010, Czech Republic 2012 – Target audience: managers of research performing or funding, institutions, evaluators, librarians, ICT experts, policy makers. – Size usually participants Jointly organized by euroCRIS and a local host – 2012: InfoScience Praha, represented by Jan Dvorak
Recap of CRIS 2012 High local recognition Patronage and opening by Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, via Office of the Government /Research and Development Council Attractive three-track programme f.e. 35 papers, five workshops, a keynote by representative of the European Commission (DG Information Society & Media), Record participation 150 participants registered for the conference, lively crowd and lots of opportunity for exchange with colleagues
Looking forward to CRIS 2014….
CRIS 2014 in Rome Hosted by the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies (IRPPS) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR)