Systems Approaches Instructional Design Models Brent Schubert April Scott
What is systems approaches? Systems approaches are a step by step instruction based on learning theory Founders were Robert Gagne and Leslie Briggs Learning system developed from military and industrial training Develop curriculum and instruction for schools
Other key figures Robert Mager Glaser Cronback and Seriven David Merrill Charles Reigeluth
How system approaches are used Highly structured sequence of instruction Computer tutorials and self-paced distance learning courses System approach is ideal for computer learning and distance learning
5 categories of learning through system approaches Verbal Information Intellectual skills Cognitive strategies Attitudes Motor skills
Outcomes Provide learners with improved capabilities which is desired The external conditions of learning which cause the learning are different for different types of learning outcomes
Events of instruction Gain attention Informing the learner of objective Stimulating recall of prior learning Presenting the stimulus Providing learner guidance Eliciting performance Giving feedback Assessing the performance Enhancing retention and transfer
8 different classes of system approaches Signal learning Stimulus Chaining Verbal association Discrimination learning Concept learning Rule learning Problem solving
Sources d.htm d.htm agne agne Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching. Roblyer. Fourth Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall. 2006