Alaska State Plan for Senior Services, FY Statewide Teleconference Public Comment Teleconference: , pass code 53250# Alaska Commission on Aging June 16, 2015
Presentation Outline Background Information Needs Assessment Activities Goals & Recommendations Intrastate Funding Formula Next Steps 2
Why do we need a State Plan? Satisfies a federal requirement for all states receiving federal funds under the Older Americans Act for their senior programs & services. Provides an opportunity for Alaskans to define the values, principles, and directions which will guide the provision of senior services over the next four years. The Plan includes a core set of goals and strategies that were developed from public input to construct the “needs assessment” and an intrastate funding formula. Alaska’s plan is a four-year comprehensive plan for senior services. The current plan expires on June 30,
Agencies Responsible for Plan Development and Implementation U.S. Administration on Community Living/Administration on Aging Alaska Department of Health and Social Services o Alaska Commission on Aging o Division of Senior and Disabilities Services 4
What Information is in Alaska’s State Plan? Narrative o Background & Context: Demographic Trends & Needs Assessment Activities o Vision Statement o Goals and Objectives o Strategies o Outcomes and Performance Measures o Quality Management (data collection, remediation, improvement ) Intrastate Funding Formula (IFF) and regional funding allocation Assurances Description of Core Senior Programs and Services Emerging Initiatives Appendices 5
6 Alaska Population Projections 2012 to 2040, Department of Labor and Workforce Development, State of Alaska, 2014
7 Alaska Senior (60+) Population by Race July 2013 Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Research and Analysis
Alaska Alzheimer’s Disease Prevalence, Ages 65+, The above projections do not include persons with related dementias and those younger than 65. Source: Alzheimer's Association, 2014 Alaska Alzheimer's Statistics. 6,100 8,500 11,000 8
Needs Assessment Activities Senior Survey o Closed ended questions o Open ended questions Provider Survey o Closed ended questions Elder Senior Listening Sessions o Interactive polling exercise o Facilitated discussions 9
Methods: Senior Survey Paper & On-Line Survey (Survey Monkey) for Alaskans age questions total, including 10 open-ended questions Distributed by and hard copy in Senior Voice and in bulk to senior centers, tribal entities, and Pioneer Homes September 2014 – January 2015 Approximately 10% responded online and 90% responded via mail-in hard copy 2,280 surveys received 10
Methods: Provider Survey Survey Monkey 19 questions, including 3 open-ended Distributed to senior centers and long term care facilities December 2014 – February surveys received, all online 11
Methods: Elder-Senior Listening Sessions Six across the state: o Copper Center (September 2013) o Juneau (February 2014) o Two in Fairbanks (September 2014) o Homer (October 2014) o Anchorage (December 2014) Agenda included demographics and behavioral health background, interactive polling exercise, and small group discussions. Four sessions used interactive polling devices 12
Although more than 50% of senior respondents have lived in Alaska for 40 years+, 6% plan to move out of state. Source: 2014 Senior Survey 13
Senior Survey: Issues of Importance Source: 2014 Senior Survey 14
Provider Survey: Most Pressing Issues Top issues of importance to seniors Source: 2014 Provider Survey 15
Financial Concerns Source: 2014 Senior Survey 16
Financial Concerns Source: 2014 Senior Survey 17
Elder Justice Source: 2014 Senior Survey 18
Elder Justice 19 Source: Elder Senior Listening Session Interactive Polling
Housing Source: Elder Senior Listening Session Interactive Polling 20
Home and Community Based Long Term Care Services Source: 2014 Senior Survey 21
Which services for seniors are lacking in the community(ies) served by your program? ResponsesResponse %Response Count Assisted living for mentally ill seniors54.3%44 Independent living senior housing53.1%43 Assisted Transportation46.9%38 Chore/Homemaker Assistance46.9%38 Public Transportation45.7%37 Home Repair/Modification43.2%35 Assisted Living43.2%35 Senior Companions42.0%34 Home Health Care39.5%32 Personal Care Assistance35.8%29 Nursing Home Care32.1%26 Source: 2015 Provider Survey 22
Needs Assessment Results and Highlights Access to health care Financial Security Housing Availability of Home and Community Based Long Term Support Services Elder Justice Sense of Community 23
State Plan for Senior Services, FY2016-FY2019 Advisory Committee Agency Affiliation AARP Alaska Adult Protective Services Program AgeNet AHFC Senior Housing Program Office Alaska Commission on Aging Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Alaska Office of Public Advocacy, Office of Elder Fraud and Assistance Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska Anchorage Senior Advisory Commission DHSS Division of Behavioral Health DHSS Division of Public Health DHSS Division of Senior & Disabilities Services Fairbanks North Star Borough Senior Advisory Commission Mature Alaskan Seeking Skills Training Municipality of Anchorage Office of Long Term Care Ombudsman Residential Licensing and Background Check Programs Senior Consumers Statewide Independent Living Council of Alaska Tanana Chiefs Conference Elders Program UA Trust Training Cooperative U.S. Administration on Community Living/Administration on Aging UA Office of Health Programs 24
Alaska State Plan for Senior Services Advisory Committee 25
Vision Statement FY2016-FY2019 State Plan The Alaska State Plan for Senior Services FY builds on strong partnerships to provide high‐quality, culturally‐sensitive, accessible services for Alaskans 60 and above to live healthy, independent, meaningful lives in the place and manner of their choosing. 26
Goals FY2016-FY2019 State Plan 1.Promote healthy aging and provide access to comprehensive and integrated health care. 2.Assist seniors with financial planning, pursuing employment opportunities, and promoting awareness of and access to economic benefits and support services. 3.Protect vulnerable seniors from abuse, neglect, self- neglect, and exploitation. 4.Ensure seniors have access to quality, affordable, accessible, safe, and appropriate senior housing across the continuum of care. 5.Promote opportunities for meaningful aging, intergenerational connectivity, and civic engagement. 6.Provide quality and affordable home- and community- based long-term support services to provide seniors with the highest quality of life. 27
Strategic Objectives & Performance Measures o 25 Strategic Objectives o 48 Performance Measures o Other planning efforts leveraged : 28 Alaska State Plan for Senior Services FY Department of Health and Social Services Priorities and Core Services DHSS Long-Term Services and Supports Recommendations for a Strategic Plan Alaska’s Roadmap to Address Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Alaska Core Competencies for Direct Care Workers in Health and Human Services State Plan for Independent Living Senior Community Service Employment Program State Plan
Proposed Intra-State Funding Formula The Older Americans Act requires state funding plans give preference to seniors in greatest economic and social need. The funding formula distributes funding by region for Nutrition, Transportation & Support Services; Family Caregiver; and the Senior In-Home grant programs. The new funding formula Maintains existing percentages for weighting factor components of the funding formula in the new state plan. Phases out “Hold Harmless” Provision, beginning in Year Two (SFY 2017) Re-visits the funding formula weighting factors and rural designation for possible amendment in SFY
Next Steps Public Comment Period Alaska Commission on Aging Approval Governor/DHSS Commissioner Approval Submission to U.S. Administration on Community Living/Administration on Aging Implementation July
The Alaska State Plan is available at Please send your comments to the Alaska Commission on Aging by fax or by mail to P.O. Box , Juneau, AK by Monday, June 29, Thank 31