7 Tips on Talking to Kids About Homosexuality nurulquran.com1
Tip #1: Clearly outline what is homosexual behavior nurulquran.com2
Tip #2: Tell them what Islam says about homosexuality, with wisdom nurulquran.com3
provide references from the Quran in your discussion on the Islamic position. 7: : : : : : : : : : 10 nurulquran.com4
Tip #3: Get them to write a paper or do an assignment about it nurulquran.com5
Tip #4: Make it clear people are not born that way nurulquran.com6
Tip #5: Make the distinction between desires and actions nurulquran.com7
Tip #6: Emphasize the importance of Islamic practice in keeping these desires away nurulquran.com8
Tip #7: Emphasize the importance of and maintain Islamic rules of modesty, even with the same sex Nurulquran.com from Soundvision.com 9