Punjab School Education Sector Plan(PSESP) Program Monitoring & Implementation Unit (PMIU)
Structure of the Sector Plan Time Frame – 5 years Strategic Objectives Strategies & Estimated Cost Monitoring Indicators Oversight Mechanism Review Process
Strategic Framework for PSESP PSESP development has been guided by the: National Education Policy 2009 Millennium Development Goals Punjab Education Sector Reforms Programme Article 25-A (18th Constitutional Amendment) “Chief Minister’s School Reforms Road Map” (Govt. of Punjab year 2011) …and focusing on: Differing roles of various service delivery modes-public: private etc. Balancing quality, relevance, access, equity and governance
Challenge of Article 25A Access (NFE) Quality ECE ≈100 Indicator Current Target NER Primary 70 ≈100 NER Middle 37 NER Secondary 25 Survival Rate Primary 57 Survival Rate Middle 86 Survival Rate Secondary 59 Transition Rate Katchi to Primary 62 Transition Rate Primary to Middle 91 Transition Rate Middle to Secondary 106 Equity Access (NFE) Quality ECE Source: EMIS 2011and PSLM 2011
Structure of the Education Sector Public Sector Private Sector Public Private Partnership Madrassas Non Formal Education
Findings of Situation Analysis Input- focused interventions Strengths Reform Environment Pioneering province to shift policy focus towards “Quality” Educational Indicators better than other provinces First province to start rationalization of staff and schools Challenges Absence of Quality Standards Fulfilling the requirements of the 18th Amendment Governance Issues Cross-cutting Issues: High Political Will Information and research deficit Shortage of specialists and experts Weak coordination between implementers Punjab School Education Sector
Challenges of Sub-Sectors Public Sector Public Private Partnership Private Sector Key Factor to Consider Excess Capacity in schools Relatively better quality Lower unit costs Relatively better quality Key Weaknesses Weak Quality Low Efficiency High Unit Costs Unregulated Unclear outcomes Limited capacity to scale up Regulation of the Sector Primary Strategic Approach Quality Governance & Mgmt Build Scale up Capacity
Structural Framework of PSESP Inputs Curriculum Textbooks Teacher qualifications Infrastructure Environment Process Enrolment Teaching Learning Assessment Management Participation Output/Result Test scores SLOs Completion rate Pass rate
Cross-cutting Themes Minimum Standards (Inputs, Processes, Outputs) Capacity Development Coordination Awareness
Strategic Objectives Quality Standards for all education inputs, process, outputs Capacity development for Curriculum Implementation Framework Aligning Pre-service and In-service Teacher Education based on the Punjab Teacher Education Strategy Capacity development to prepare and disseminate high quality textbooks Enhance expertise in assessment and evaluation Development of physical and social environment in schools
Access with Equity & Relevance Establish Early Childhood Programs Preparing a school language policy Provision of stipends/incentives (minimizing costs of education for the poorest) Mobilizing School Councils and community participation Develop formal linkages between NFE and regular schools Develop linkages between general education and TVE Develop and implement policy on Disaster Risk Reduction Focus on Inclusive education through Child-friendly schools
Governance & Management of Public Education Sector Merit based HRM-Recruitment, Performance Appraisal and Promotions, Retention of Quality Managers Development of capacity to improve managerial efficiency at the provincial and district level Data-based decision-making and increasing scope of EMIS Developing oversight mechanism for sector plan implementation and improve monitoring and evaluation processes Gender-sensitized management Utilize PEF’s capacity to achieve targets of Article 25-A School-based budgeting Integrate private sector into government’s policy framework Effective community involvement
Implementation Strategies Implementation Framework Oversight Mechanism Decentralisation Dissemination PMIU as Secretariat Monitoring Performance Assessment Framework Implementation level indicators Stakeholders Involvement Strategies based on analysis
Way Forward PSESP Dissemination (district level) Steering Structure (committee) for effective implementation PSESP (SED Level) – to be notified Notification of Thematic Working Groups (Quality, Access & Governance) Development and Alignment of Annual Development Plans of attached departments with PSESP Capacity Development Strategy Resource Mobilization Plan & Donors/Partners Coordination Performance Assessment Framework (mechanism)
Costing Estimates of Out of School population based on: Population Projections of National Institute of Population Studies (NIPS) NER trend from PSLMs Ratios: Classroom 1:50; Teachers 1:50, 3:50 and 4:50 for primary, middle and secondary Use of official Unit costs Estimates for public sector and PPP approach Costing of the 5 year plan is an estimate Financing component will be reviewed on an ongoing basis It is a cyclical process- a few additional costs will emerge from implementation itself
Costing Strategies Utilise excess capacity available in public sector Balanced division between PPP and Public sector Separate approach for costing of quality and governance strategies Infrastructure expansion only for quality related issues: Increase number of 5 room primary schools Introduction and expansion of pre-primary ECE
Non Scale Costs Quality Relevance Access Governance Improved Managerial Efficiency Monitoring and Evaluation
Estimated Additional Costing for Sector Plan (2013-18) Components Recurrent Cost (in Rs. Million) Year 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Est. Routine Budget 205.15 bn 245.07 bn 308.06 bn 393.01 bn 496.22 bn Teacher Salary 18020.34 24187.75 30262.18 37894.42 46683.80 PEC (additional assessment cost) 624.71 695.79 920.02 942.55 975.69 Textbooks (additional enrollment) 102.92 210.31 193.24 124.65 130.21 Teachers’ Training (new teachers) 407.3 949.07 986.94 641.15 618.19
Estimated Additional Costing for Sector Plan (2013-18) Components Development Cost (in Rs. Million) Year 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 New Schools/ Up gradation 0.00 8,500.00 14,535.00 9,690.00 Additional Classroom 1,767.82 1,824.92 Quality (Develop Standards, Assessment Tools/Reforms, Teacher Learning Development) 1,179.47 1,105.62 Relevance (Tracer Study, Review of Curriculum Syllabus, Linkages b/w HE and SE & TVET) 32.88 5,63
Estimated Additional Costing for Sector Plan (2013-18) Components Development Cost (in Rs. Million) Year 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Governance (HRM, Performance Appraisal System, Recruitment Process, Capacity Development Plan - CD) 63.25 1.50 0.00 Improved Management (Recruitment Policy, CD plan developed, Training Needs Assessment tools) 23.50 Monitoring & Evaluation (Performance Assessment Framework, Existing Capacity Assessment) 48.00 Total Budget in Billions 22.30 37.481 48.722 55.963 59.923
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