Data Driven Public Information & Education Campaigns: An Iowa Example by Bob Thompson Program Evaluator Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau July 16, 2003 International Traffic Records Forum Denver, Colorado
The Issues Improving seat belt use in Iowa - especially among low use populations
Identifying the problem Markedly lower (64%) on rural roads (on secondary roads for 1991 survey vs. 79% on interstates & 69% overall) Municipal rate in 1991 also 64% but big difference is: Fatality rate on municipal roads 1 per 100 million VMT Fatality rate on secondary roads 4 per 100 million VMT (statewide just under 2 per 100 million VMT)
Why were Iowans so much less likely to buckle up on secondary/rural roads vs. the interstate? 1991 Attitudinal Survey Reflected the following: “I’m not going far, so why bother?”
Familiarity breeds contempt “I’ve driven this road for years and I’ve never had an accident.” It’s only local traffic, so everyone drives carefully I always wear my seat belt on trips and on the interstate In other words, classic decision-making based on myths, half-truths and illusions
The Solution (or at least part of the solution) Some good old fashioned P I & E
Goals A.Dispel myths about the safety of familiar, local roads close to home B.Increase public awareness of the relative crash/fatality risk of rural roads and highways vs. the interstate C.Improve rural belt usage D.Reduce rural traffic fatalities
The Campaign Strong focus on television as the principal medium (reach the broadest audience – younger demographics than newspapers) supported by complimentary newspaper campaign, which featured “slicks” small enough to be “column fillers”
Distribution to 25 television stations with extensive follow-up one-on-one contact between ad agency and local program directors Distribution to 350 newspapers
Timing is everything... Aired in spring/summer of 1992 National push for 70% belt use by 1992 was in full swing Received at least some air play on all 25 stations while slicks appeared in over 250 newspapers
The Outcome Impact Evaluation – involves university types controlled variables in study, etc. NOT who has the money, who has the time? Administrative Evaluation – also known as “seat of the pants”
Administrative Evaluation Did A & B happen so A must have had an impact on B Bottom Line secondary belt use jumped 7 percentage points overall belt use up 2 percentage points
So something worked.. Since that time, education has been coupled with a strong rural enforcement via sTEP Today secondary (rural) road seat belt use in Iowa is 87% the highest for any road type
Other Data Driven Iowa PI&E Campaigns Alcohol/impaired driving problem Young adult drivers, especially males, strongly overrepresented as drinking drivers in fatal crashes Men in their 20s represent 8-9% of Iowa’s drivers but 35% of all drinking drivers in fatal crashes
90% of all drinking drivers in fatal crashes have no previous OWI/DUI convictions The vast majority of OWI arrests in Iowa (77%) are 1 st time offenders The following PSA was a novel approach to combat drunk driving
trailers or promos aired in all three major theater chains generating more than $1 million in free exposure... to a relatively captive audience which represents a near perfect demographic The PSA was significant for us because it opened a new door – free exposure as
Additional (ultimate) result Iowa set an all-time low in alcohol-related fatalities with just 99 in 2002, dipping below 100 for the 1 st time Reductions in drunk driving fatal crashes for young adult males contributed significantly to this decline
Speaking of impaired driving Here’s “one (last example) for the road” Motorcycle safety and helmet use in Iowa One of 3 states (IA, IL, CO) with no motorcycle helmet law
Received helmet transfer funds in 1995 totaling $1.9 million 85-90% of all Iowa motorcycle fatalities are not helmeted No legislative success in this are whatsoever Hard core group (ABATE) which will never change So a “non-traditional” approach in order
Result or perhaps just case of dumb luck 43 motorcycle fatalities in motorcycle fatalities in 1996 Perhaps not a fluke - 37 fatalities averaged in ’93-’95 23 fatalities averaged in ’96-’98 Since then, fatalities creeping up with 41 in 2002, so “Biker Bar” re-released
I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I have Thanks and have fun at the rest of the Forum