In 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy claimed to know the names of 200 government employees who belonged to the Communist Party. He chaired a special committee of Congress responsible for investigating the activities of prominent US figures and deciding if they were a threat to American values. Watch this clip and explain why so many feared McCarthy. Can you predict how he would eventually fall from power?
Why did US think there were reds under their beds? TBAT explain causes of the Red Scare To assess impact of McCarthyism on America’s reputation Learning objectives Key words: Communism Soviet Union Cold War House Un- American Activities Committee (HUAC)
Your task Study the information on p.373 (Walsh) and around your copy of this poster explain how the following led to the Red Scare: Study the information on p.373 (Walsh) and around your copy of this poster explain how the following led to the Red Scare: Federal Employyee Loyalty Programme Federal Employyee Loyalty Programme HUAC HUAC Rosenbergs Rosenbergs McCarran Act McCarran Act Can you detect evidence of a new ‘Scare’ in the US today? Can you detect evidence of a new ‘Scare’ in the US today?
Senator McCarthy suspects that there may be Reds under the beds of members of this Politics class. He has sent in an investigator to establish which of you should be arrested for ‘un- American’ activities’
Study the sources from Pennington (p.228) and identify as many different ways in which McCarthyism damaged America To what extent did the trials damage the office of the president? Footage of the moment marking McCarthy’s downfall at the hands of Army lawyer Joseph Welch in which he is famously accused of having ‘no sense of decency’
Extension task Extension task – find out what this play and this film have to do with Senator McCarthy?
Why did US think there were reds under their beds? TBAT explain causes of the Red Scare To assess impact of McCarthyism on America’s reputation Learning objectives Key words: Communism Soviet Union Cold War House Un- American Activities Committee (HUAC)