Summary of D1.1 ISOBIO _ 6 Month Meeting at University of Bath -Commercially available bio-based insulation materials and requirements of industrial partners Yunhong Jiang, Mike Lawrence, University of Bath 01/07/2015
Introduction Background: The objective of the ISOBIO project is to develop bio-based insulation panels and renders, by combining existing technologies to produce a range of new, low embodied energy, low embodied carbon, hygrothermally efficient materials for use either as a building envelope or for retrofitting to existing buildings in order to improve their energy efficiency. Objective: full scientific characterization of the hygrothermal, sorption and VOC capture performance of selected bio-based materials to provide the basis for creation of new products, resulting in improved insulation properties and at least 30% reduction in embodied energy and CO2. D1.1 in WP1: to summarize the commercially available bio-based insulation materials and identify the requirements of the industrial partners.
Approach Commercial availability of different bio-aggregates from each partner Technical requirements Economic constraints Available products listed in Appendices 1 & 2 Identification of potential new products
Review of materials with potential development Categories composition: (cellulose, cork, wood fibre, hemp, flax, strawbale and sheepwools), form: (batts, blankets, loosefill, spray foam, and panels), functional mode: (conductive, radiative, convective) and more. 231 products summarized from 66 different companies Batt/blanket bio-based insulation Fibre/particle boards bio-based insulation Loose-fill bio-based insulation
Review on Batt/blanket bio-based insulation Cellulose Insulation: Sheep’s wool insulation: Property Typical value Density 25 - 70 kg/m3 Thermal conductivity 0.039 W/m.K Specific heat capacity 1300-1700 J/kg.K Property Typical value Density 13.5 - 31 kg/m3 Thermal conductivity 0.037 - 0.042 W/m.K Specific heat capacity 1600 – 1800 J/kg.K Material Density (kg/m3) Thermal conductivity (W/m.K) 95% natural wool fibre, 5% combination recycled adhesive binder 19 0.039 75% British wool, 15% recycled polyester, 10% polyester binder 18 31 0.035 85% British wool, 15% binder fibre 23 0.038 Sheep fibres, recycled plastic bottles Pure new sheep's wool, Thorlan IW, Rubber 22 0.037 Pure new sheep's wool, Thorlan IW 14 0.042 85% Sheep wool 15% polyester 13.5 0.04 100% Sheep wool Hemp insulation: Property Typical value Density 25 - 50 kg/m3 Thermal conductivity 0.039 - 0.041 W/m.K Specific heat capacity 1370 – 2300 J/kg.K Wood fibre Insulation: Property Typical value Density 30 - 60 kg/m3 Thermal conductivity 0.036 - 0.042 W/m.K Specific heat capacity 2100 – 2800 J/kg.K Flax Insulation: Property Typical value Density 15 - 50 kg/m3 Thermal conductivity 0.036 - 0.04 W/m.K Specific heat capacity 1200 – 2350 J/kg.K
Review on Fibre/particle boards bio-based insulation Fibre board bio-based insulation consists of either wood/hemp fibres, hemp shiv or straw and is primarily used for external wall with vapour permeable and water repellent protection. It is also used when there is a need for insulaton that can withstand high temperatures. These products come in a range of thicknesses from 4 mm to 240 mm. Standard fibre board bio-based insulation have a thermal conductivity between 0.038 and 0.41 W/mK and a specific heat capacity from 1100 to 2100 J/kg.K. The densities of fibre board bio-based insulation materials range from 55 to 1150 kg/m3. Most of manufacturers are located in France and Germany. See Appendix 1 for an overview of these characteristics. Table 2 lists fibre boards made from hemp fibre, wood fibre, hemp shiv, cork granules and strawbales with their general performance. Category Density (kg/m3) Thermal conductivity (W/m.K) Specific Heat Capacity (J/kg.K) Fire Performance Compression strength (kPa) Wood fibres 55-875 0.038-0.41 1600-2100 Euro Class E/F 40-200 Hemp shiv 220-300 0.065-0.08 2100 B S1 d0/M1 — Hemp fibres 160-270 0.038-0.07 100-200 Straw bales 85-470 0.052-0.099 2000 Euro Class E Cork granules 110-700 0.038-0.14 1670-2100 20-300
Review on Loose-fill bio-based insulation This is made from a variety of granular or lightweight materials such as cork granules, mineral wool or cellulose fibre. Loose-fill insulations are well suited for places where it is difficult to install other types of insulation, such as irregularly shaped areas, around obstructions (such as plumbing stacks), and in hard-to-reach places. There are five primary types of loose-fill bio-based insulation, inculding cellulose, cork granules, wood fibre, hemp fibre and hemp shiv (as shown in Figure ). Category Density (kg/m3) Thermal conductivity (W/m.K) Specific Heat Capacity (J/kg.K) Fire Performance Cellulose 25-65 0.037-0.04 1000-2150 Euro Class E/F Wood fibres 20-230 0.038-0.06 2100 Euro Class E Hemp shiv 110 0.05 — Hemp fibres 700 0.06 1700 Cork granules 60-570 0.04-0.06 1670-2100
Summary of Characteristics in different forms Density Application Thermal Conductivity Specific heat capacity Hygric Vapour resistivity Loose Fill 25 to 750 kg/m3 well suited for places where it is difficult to install other types of insulation, such as irregularly shaped areas, around obstructions (such as plumbing stacks), and in hard-to-reach places. 0.037 and 0.17 W/m.K 1000 to 2150 J/kg.K 1 to 5 MN.s/g.m Mat 13.5 to 60 kg/m3 suited to standard spacing of wall studs, attic trusses or rafters, and floor joists. 0.035 to 0.042 W/m.K 1200 to 2350 J/kg.K 1 to 10 MN.s/g.m Boards 55 to 1150 kg/m3 used for external wall with vapour permeable and water repellent protection. It is also used when there is a need for insulaton that can withstand high temperatures 0.037 and 0.41 W/m.K 1100 to 2100 J/kg.K 2 to 13 MN.s/g.m Except Pavafloor 5.4 (60 MN.s/g.m)
Summary of exploitation opportunities Loose fill Additives for plasters and renders (CLAYTEC and BCB) Raw material for bio-concrete (CAVAC) Loose fill insulation (CAVAC) Batt/Blanket – transformation of fibres (CAVAC) Fibre / Particle boards – transformation of aggregates (STRAMIT, CAVAC, other manufacturer?)
Manufacturer considerations on the bio-based insulation products Applications Installation: Quick, Easy, Low cost and flexible installation Recyclability Economic constraints Industrial locations Physical: Format Density Width & Dimensions Porosity Particle Size Distribution Chemical Material composition Recycled content Mechanical Compression Strength Flexural Strength Tensile Strength Bending Strength Shear Strength Modulus of elasticity Shrinkage Surface resilience Thermal Specific Heat Capacity Thermal conductivity (λ) Thermal transmittance coefficient (U-value) Thermal resistance (R) Hygric Vapour permeability Vapour diffusion resistance factor Moisture Buffer Value Water absorption coefficient Isotherms of absorption/desorption Acoustic Sound absorption coefficient Sound reduction index Fire performance Fire and Heat resistance Ignition point Durability Durability rating Solubility Effect of moisture Microbiological Viability of materials on category 2 pathogens Mould, fungal, bacterial degradation Moth resistance/Mice infestation/mould resistance Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) VOC emission rate Dynamic vapour sorption (DVS) Embodied CO2/energy in manufacture ODP*(Ozone depletion potential) GWP* (Global warming potential) GHG emissions
Conclusion Appendix 1 summarises available insulation materials Industrial partners have been asked to identify opportunities for improvement The advantages and disadvantages have been compared and analyzed According to the feedback of questionnaire and data in Appendix 1, the commercially available bio-based insulation products and the requirements of industrial partners have been reported. Based on the performance characteristics of available products, surveys from industrial partners and our experiences, finely chopped material, such as straw, hemp or other readily available materials, has been choosen to improve the insulation properties through the porous structure of bio-based aggregates and use of binder with low thermal conductivity (compared with those of mineral binders) and to improve the quality control by industrialising the manufacturing process which will enable certification and standardisation. The key approach and advances have been summed up in the discussion section.