JCI-IOBA, CYEA May 16 th, 2015
Steven Damiana JCI-IOBA, CYEA, May 16 th, 2015 “What can Curacao Chamber-currently offer- and in the near future?”
Curacao Chamber of Commerce - Economic Research - Business Information Center - Registry A Case to Export Chamber Communication Channels Contact PointsTopics
Sections: - Board - Economic Research - Business Information Center & International Business Activities - Registry Introduction to the Chamber
Board (4 small, 5 medium/ large – elected) Economic Analysis (including impact studies) Advice on Social, Economic, Fiscal, Business and Monetary Issues (including national dialogue) Project Development (including Dutch Caribbean Securities Exchange, export credit insurance, tax reform, export business support to EU, USA) Curacao Chamber
Registry Data Total registered entities 30,51238,38138,39438,46238,05438,338 Domestically active legal entities and companies 16,64220,87021,69122,54622,85223,794 Internationally operating legal entities and companies 13,87017,51116,70315,91615,20214,544
Information, education and advice; Training (new) entrepreneurs; Promoting International Commerce ; Attracting Investment to Curacao. 8/15/20159 Business Information
Registering your company; Obtaining excerpt of your company; Obtaining a copy of an excerpt or bylaws of other companies. 8/15/ Registry
The Chamber houses the following organizations: Trade Point Curaçao (UNCTAD/World Trade Point Federation) VBC, CHATA, FNP, SLS, others Curaçao Chamber of Commerce & Industry
International promotion services ◦ Collective participation in trade fairs abroad ◦ Trade Missions (outbound & inbound) ◦ Organization of trade fairs locally ◦ Assistance to foreign investors ◦ Assistance to local companies in their export efforts Curaçao Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Inter Institutional Agreements ◦ Netherlands Foreign Trade Agency ◦ Dutch Chambers of Commerce and Private Sector organizations ◦ MOU with CIESP ( Brazil) ◦ Member of the Holland House Colombia ( Bilateral Chamber of Commerce) Curaçao Chamber of Commerce & Industry
A Case to Export Reasons to Export? You have a huge global market; You don’t need to compete with each other; You can work together complementing each other to achieve synergy; CoC is willing to support you in your quest to increase overseas sales. 15
A Case to Export Get international exposure on: To be launched on July 2 nd, 2015 !! Get up-to-date information on Facebook/EmpresaChiki ; Facebook/CuracaoChamber; LinkedIn-Curacao Chamber page 16
A Case to Export for both local service providers and exporters of goods; Your business profile and hyperlink to your up and running website will be promoted and advertised. 17
A Case to Export To join we need you to: Submit your Business Profile Form; Read the Curaçao Business Code of Conduct (CBCC); Sign the CBCC Agreement Form. 18
A Case to Export: Code of Conduct Agreement A Case to Export: Code of Conduct Agreement 1. Establish trust in the marketplace 2. Advertise honestly 3. Be credible 4. Be transparent 5. Protect privacy 6. Embody integrity 7. Honor promises 8. Be responsive 9. Stimulate development 10. Respect for individual 11. Accountability
CoC Support Our Trade & Investment Promotion, Business Information Center assists you in starting a new business; Through the CoC’s network we assist in getting first contacts overseas, in- & outbound trade missions; Offer information on i.a. business opportunities, tax, e-zones. 20
CoC Support Our Research staff can assist you in determining your potential overseas market(s) based on international trade data; Offers you a second opinion on your Website Content, your Unique Selling Proposition (USP), and advice on your Export activities. 21
Food for Thought
Winning USPs: 7 Steps Interactive Marketing Inc Creating your USP: Step 1: Your Biggest Benefit Step 2: Be Unique (Different) Step 3: Solve a "Pain Point" or "Performance Gap“ Step 4: Be Specific and Offer Proof 24
Winning USPs: 7 Steps Interactive Marketing Inc Creating your USP: Step 5: Condense Into One Clear and Concise Sentence Step 6: Integrate Your USP into ALL Marketing Materials Step 7: Deliver On Your USP's Promise 25
Chamber Communication
Every 2 months with a new topic, interesting and relevant for Small and Medium Businesses in Curacao. Distributed at: Curacao Chamber of Commerce, Antraco, Aqualectra, Ban Bario Bèk, Banco di Caribe, Girobank, MCB, RBTT, UoC, UTS, Xerox, Digicel, KLM, Delifrance, different supermarkets and other locations.
Curacao Business Magazine Magazine in English Digital version in: ◦ English ◦ Dutch
Kámara di Komèrsio i Industria Kòrsou Kaya Junior Salas 1 Registry Department Tel: Information Department Tel:
Social Media Facebook: ‘Empresa Chikí’ ‘CuracaoChamber’ Twitter: ‘KvKCuracao’ Youtube & Linkedin ‘CuracaoChamber’