The Urinary System
Components of Urinary System 2 Kidneys (major organs) 2 Ureters (Passage tubes ?) Bladder (Storage) Urethra (excretion)
The Kidney (Shape & Location) Bean shaped organ Location: Post. Abdominal wall, retroperitoneal (?) At vertebral level of ??-?? Protected by 11 th & 12 th ribs Rt. Kidney is slightly lower than lf. (why?)
External Anatomy of Kidney Convex lat. border Concave medial border, Contains in its middle the renal hilum Renal Hilum: The area where str. Enter or leave the kidney (root of the kidney)
Structures within The Hilum From ant. to post.: Renal Vein: most ant. Lf. is longer than Rt. Renal Artery Ureter: most posterior
Internal Anatomy of The Kidney In longitudinal section Outer layer = cortex (divided into 2 zones ?) Inner renal pyramids = medulla (~8-18) Renal columns:?? The kidney is protected by D.Ir.C.T. capsule = Renal Capsule
Draining System Within Kidney Each pyramid contains many collecting ducts Gathered to form the renal papilla (Apex of the pyramid) Minor Calyx (Calyx = cup)
Draining System Within Kidney Each pyramid drains into Minor calyx (how many?) Minor calyces join into Major calyx (~2-3) Major calyces join into Renal pelvis Renal pelvis drains to ureter
Arterial Blood Supply To The Kidney Renal a. Segmental a. (5 a.) Interlobar a. pass through ?? Arcuate a. over the bases of the pyramids Arching between?? Interlobular Between lobules of the kidney
“The Nephron” The functional unit of the kidney that is responsible for bld. filtration & urine production Each kidney contains ~1 million nephrons (constant #) Consists of: 1. Renal corpuscle 2. Renal tubules
Renal Corpuscle Corpuscle = tiny body Located in ?? Fx.: bld. filtration & urine formation Composed of: 1. Glomerulus: Capillary network 2. Glomerular (Bowman’s) capsule Double walled cup (simple sq. epith.) One side: surround the capillaries (Visceral) Other side: continues with tubules (parietal)
Renal Corpuscle ? ? ? ?
Renal Tubules PCT Cortex Simple cub. epith. Loop of Henle Cortex & Medulla Simple sq. epth. 2 limbs: ? DCT Cortex Simple cub. epith. Drain into ?? Convoluted: tightly coiled
Collecting & Papillary Ducts Collecting Ducts: Larger tubules that receive the DCT of several nephrons * Each collecting duct & group of nephrons draining into it Renal Lobule Papillary ducts: (see previous slide) Large ducts that result from union of collecting ducts Located at the apex of renal pyramids (renal papilla) Several hundreds in # Drain into ??
Review: 1. Nephron: fxnal unit Renal corpuscle - ? Renal tubules - ? 2. Collecting ducts cortex & medulla 3. Papillary ducts: renal papilla
Renal Transplant Transfer of a kidney from a living donor or cadaver to a pt. with renal failure 1- Donor kidney usually placed in the pt. pelvis 2- Renal a. & v. : attached to iliac a. & v. 3- Ureter: attached to bladder 4- Diseased kidneys: left in place 5- Pt. receives immunosuppressive drugs for life (why?)
Hemodialysis An artificial method for bld. Filtration when kidneys are in renal failure Dialysis Solution Selective permeable membrane CAP Dialysis ? Artificial kidney machine
Ureter Narrow muscular tube that transports urine from the ?? to the ?? ( 25 cm) Transportation Mechanisms: 1. Peristaltic contractions: smooth m. on the wall 1 - 5/min 2. Gravity Opens obliquely into the post. Aspect of the bladder (Physiological sphincter)
Ureter 3 areas of constriction: When renal pelvis joins the ureter Over pelvic brim When enters the bladder (posteriorly)
Urinary Bladder Hallow distensible muscular organ located in the pelvis, post. To pubic symphysis Shape: varies (depending on urine content) empty: collapsed normal fill: spherical overfilled: pear-shaped Average capacity ~ ml ( females ??)
Internal Anatomy Rugae & Trigone Rugae: folds of bladder mucosa - more prominent when bladder is ?? Trigone: small triang. Area in the floor of the bladder - No rugae (smooth) - Very sensitive to expansion - Post. Corners= openings of ?, ant. Corner: opening of ?
Urethra Small tube that responsible for urine excretion from the bladder Male: longer (~20cm) 3 parts: Prostatic, membranous & penile Female: Shorter (~4cm)