Adobe Captivate is the leading e-learning software WRS has chosen Captivate as our primary tool for creating and distributing marketing and educational content to potential and current clients Captivate will be used to leverage our collective industry knowledge and WRS Advantages and Strengths in the marketplace
How to Install and Use WinSCP How to Install Adobe Captivate How to Record a Captivate Movie How to Create a Script Overview of the WRS Video Library & Process Tips for Creating Good Videos Suggested Topics for Videos (discussion)
WinSCP is a file repository system where many WRS files are stored WRS Video Library is a subset of folders within these files Install WinSCP to get underway Use your Zimbra ID and Password to Login Copy movie files to/from you local machine
Uploading Files from WinSCP To upload a file from your local machine to the WRS Video Library, Uploading and Downloading Movie Files simply drag the file from the left side of the screen (your local machine) to the right side of the screen (WRS Video Library). Downloading Files from WinSCP To download a file from the WRS Video Library to your local machine, simply drag the needed file from the WRS Video Library (right side of the screen) to your local machine (left side of the screen).
Go to the WRS Video Library Select Shared>WRS Video Library>Captivate Software “Captivate_5_WWEFDJ.exe”, “Captivate_5_WWEFDJ.7z”, “License Code.txt” DO NOT REGISTER the software with Adobe
Select Create New>Blank Project from startup screen Select project size of 1024 x 768 Enter Project Preferences (name, , company)
1. Press Record 2. Note that you will see a countdown (3, 2, 1). This will let you know that it is about to start recording. 3. Following the steps outlined in your WRS Video Script – perform all of your actions/activities (WRS) 4. Press End on your keyboard to stop recording
When recording has finished you will be brought back to the captivate screen. Press Save (top toolbar) to save to your local hard drive. Use the same name for Captivate Movie Files and Related Script File name should be: WRS – MODULE NAME – FUNCTION
Connect to WinSCP LEFT SIDE OF WinSCP Screen - Browse to the following directory Shared>WRS Video Library>Raw RIGHT SIDE OF WINSCP Screen (your local hardrive) – browse to the capivate file (.cp) and the script file (.doc) that you saved and created. Drag these files over to the RIGHT Side of the screen and Drop them into the Shared>WRS Video Library>Raw directory
WHAT? Name of Video: What is the specific area of the program, function, process or medical specialty to which this video relates? WHY? Rationale: Why are you making this video? What makes WRS different and/or exciting as related to this video topic? WHERE? Module and Function: Where in WRS does this video focus? WHO? Target Audience: Who is the intended audience (i.e. provider, biller, practice manager, etc)? HOW? Workflow Steps – Include the exact steps needed to display function, along with any explanation (voice or caption) required in the video
Tell a Story – make the message compelling so the view wants to engage and view more Context As Needed – Ok to make “logical” jumps in action/flow as long as it makes sense to the viewer Keep It Brief – Videos will be done in a modular approach. Once topic video can connect to another. Target Length - completed videos should be 3 minutes or less Modular Approach - If more or related info is needed, created a second video or reference existing video Encourage Further Dialog (marketing) – video should be the springboard for a conversation with the potential and WRS Sales Repurpose – Construct message in such a way that we can reuse/repurpose video content for marketing, and client education, where possible
Discuss Possible Topics for upcoming videos Finish Transfer of current video content and script files to library (CL/AS) Complete An Initial Project script and three- minute video for review at the next meeting Attend next meeting October 19 at 2pm EST (3 weeks)