Computer Literacy Final Exam Study Guide
Word – Document Processing What is the purpose of Microsoft Word? Document processing software. This was the first MS Office suite program we discussed in class.
Excel – Spreadsheet Software What does the marquee do? It’s the dotted lines around a cell you will use in a formula. If you see ######, make your column wider. A column is vertical. A row is horizontal.
Access Database Software What are examples of a database? An iTunes library, a phone book. A column heading in Access refers to the field title. What are the parts of a database? Record, field, entry, etc. What is a primary key?
PowerPoint – Presentation Software Contrasting colors (white/black, etc.) are usually easier to read. You should use a good balance of text to visual. More bells/whistles/animation does not necessarily make your presentation better.
Internet Safety – Cyber Bullying What is the definition of cyber bullying? There is a fine line between “funny” and harassment. Have you or someone you know been on either side of cyber bullying?
Social Networking Safety Do not network with people you do not know in real life! Do not give out private information such as: School Age Etc. Address
Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl B - bold Ctrl U - underline Ctrl C - copy Ctrl Z – undo (Mrs. Didero’s favorite shortcut)! Ctrl F – Find Ctrl I - Italicize Ctrl P - print Ctrl S - save
Study Hard End Strong! Have a safe & fun summer!