Wiederholung: Kapitel 7 Frellis Deutsch 21
Komparativ Tim is taller than Johan. Gerd is smarter than Amelie I am stronger than you. We are as weak as they are My dad is older than my mom I have more time than you. I like chocolate as much as vanilla
Superlativ German is the best Mercedes are the most expensive. Summer break is the most relaxing Traveling to Germany is the most fun (it made the most fun) English class is the hardest.
Komparativ als Adjektiv I have a bigger house than you My dad has a more expensive car but your dad has a newer car We have a younger dog but they have a cuter dog Germany is a smaller, more environmentally friendly (umweltfreundlich) country but the USA is a larger country and has a worse recycling program
Superlativ als Adjektiv Dogs are the best pets Ice cream is the tastiest food Homework takes the most time to do English is the most boring class The bruins are the best hockey team
Adjektivendungen The small boy gives a blonde girl a sharp, yellow pencil I write my nice, older brother a long letter for his birthday Ya’ll buy many inexpensive presents for some shy, new students We gave the new neighbors pretty flowers for their small house
Verben I wish for a new dog You wish for more expensive shoes Ya’ll move to Germany in two weeks? You turn the oven off We prefer the warm weather
Wortschatz In a suburbin the mountains The pro/the conon the river More people The apartment The traffic Noise Clean/dirty