Update of IYCF Activities in Bangladesh, outcomes and plan ahead Dr. S K Roy Senior Scientist Chairperson Bangladesh Breastfeeding Foundation (BBF)
IYCF practices in Bangladesh IndicatorsPractice Early Initiation of Breastfeeding within 1 hr of birth 47% (1) Colostrum feeding92% (2) Prelacteal feeding39% (1) Exclusive Breastfeeding for first 6 months of life64% (1) 59.2% (Urban slum) (3) 57.7% (Urban non-slum) (3) 66.1% (Other urban) (3) Continued breastfeeding for 2 years of life90% (1) Adequate complementary feeding practices21% (1) 28.3% (Urban slum) (3) 44.4% (Urban non-slum) (3) 39.1% (Other urban) (3) Ref: (1) BDHS 2011, (2)BDHS 2007,(3) Urban health Survey of Bangladesh, 2013
SAFANSI Projects in Bangladesh 1.Workshop on WBCi financial tool for “Strengthening IYCF Capacity in South Asia Region” 2.Divisional Dissemination of BMS Act 2013
Workshop on WBCi financial tool for “Strengthening IYCF Capacity in South Asia Region”
Purpose Purpose of the “WBCi financial tool” was To help government in development of specific plan of action and budget lines for the interventions on optimal breastfeeding indictors.
Components of WBCi Financial tool training Report writing and finalization Group work Key note presentation Analysis of group work out come Video demonstration
Presentation on WBCi Financial tool: Presentation emphasized on the importance of saving money by protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding. Need of investment on following IYCF strategic area- Policy, Plan and Coordination Communication and Information Health, Nutrition care System Mother support, community outreach BFHI IYCF in difficult circumstances Maternity Protection International Code, WHA
Video Demonstrations: A video was demonstrated to give a clear instruction on use of WBCi financial tool.
Group work on WBCI tool: All the participants were divided into 4 groups One expert from BBF joined in each group to assist the group work.
Group 1 Group 1 has estimated budget for following line items: Program management Policy Development, Legislation, Planning and coordination
Outcome from the exercise of Group 1:
Group 2: Group 2 estimated budget for following line items: Baby Friendly hospital Initiatives (Ten steps for Successful breastfeeding) Implementation of the International code of marketing for Breastmilk Substitute and Subsequent WHAs.
Outcome from the exercise of Group 2:
Group 3: Group 3 estimated budget for following line items: Maternity Protection Health and nutrition Care System (Pre-service, In-service training).
Outcome from the exercise of Group 3:
Group 4: Group four worked on following line items: Mother Support group and Community Level IYCF Actions IYCF in exceptionally difficult circumstances (IYCF in the HIV Context, IYCF in emergencies) IYCF Communication for Behavior and Social Change and Information Support.
Outcome from the exercise of Group 4:
Overall outcome of the Workshop High government officials, Representatives from NGO and development partners participated in the workshop. They calculated budget for improvement of IYCF situation in Bangladesh using WBCi financial tool.
Divisional Workshop on Dissemination of BMS Act 2013
Background To control unethical promotion of Breast-milk Substitutes (BMS), Government of Bangladesh published a Act titled “Breast-milk Substitutes, Infant Foods, Commercially Manufactured Complementary Foods and the Accessories Thereof (Regulation of Marketing), act 2013.” Institute of Public Health Nutrition (IPHN) and Bangladesh Breastfeeding Foundation (BBF) with the support of WHO Bangladesh, IFBAN ASIA, SAFANSI planned to disseminate the new BMS act, 2013 at divisional level by organizing divisional workshops in 7 divisions of Bangladesh. Till now 4 workshops have been organized and remaining 3 will be completed within this months.
Objective of the workshops: Objective of the workshop was to disseminate the Act among the high government officials of divisional level.
Steps in conducting the workshop: Letter sent to IPHN for organizing divisional Workshops in collaboration with IPHN and DGHS Approval from DGHS Contract with the Divisional Directors (Health). Letter sent to the Divisional Directors (Health) of seven divisions for organizing two workshops on “Dissemination of BMS act 2013”. Workshop coordinated by Divisional Senior Health Education Officer or Assistant Chief of MIS through Key note presentation and Open discussion
Participants of the workshop
Resource person
Workshop completed (Divisions) 1.Khulna 2.Chittagong 3.Rajshahi 4.Rangpur 5.Barisal
Participant’s commitment to implement the BMS Act, 2013 Khulna Division
Chittagong Division
Rajshahi Division
Recommendations from the participants: Divisional Commissioner recommended to organize dissemination of BMS Act in division, district and upazila levels. Need to disseminate the BMs Act quickly among people by campaign and promotion. Need to include this BMS Act in mobile court act, Should be included this BMS Act in criminal procedure, Counseling should be done to the pregnant mother about hazards of BMS product and benefits of breastfeeding. BMS Law should be disseminated through electronic and print media. Besides that documentary on hazards of BMS, benefits of breastfeeding and complementary feeding should be developed for awareness building among Benefits of breastfeeding and complimentary feeding should be included in textbook.
Plan ahead SLNameTentative date 1.WBTi 2015April, WBCi exercise and inclusion in budgetMay, Formation of MSG in Community Clinics BMS Act dissemination, monitoring and legal action Revitalization of 300 BFHI Hospitals IYCF Training for CHCP and Non- government health workers Media Campaign Conference on IYCF and MNJune, 2015
Thank You