Mission The mission of The Medical Concierge is to provide high quality, respectable medical service to those in need. The Medical Concierge will provide driving services, medical knowledge, and anything else the patient requires.
Opportunities The Medical Concierge will provide a service: –Patients who are too sick to take a taxi –Not sick enough to have at home health care The Medical Concierge will provide a sense of peace –Patients main focus will be on getting better
Target Market Primary market –Baby boomer generation Secondary market –Individuals with illnesses
Trends According to Cancer.org, the number of cancer patients in the United States totaled around 1,600,000 last year. --Chart Data from cancer.org More people were 65 years and over in 2010 than in any previous census
Differentiation Hiring Plan –The Medical Concierge will employ drivers dedicated in helping in the medical field Payment –Patients can pay to use a car provided
Growth Potential Current: –The Medical Concierge will provide service in Weber, Davis, and Salt Lake Counties Future: –The Medical Concierge will extend its service throughout Utah and on a national level
Promotion Plan Online and Social Media Medical journals and magazines Flyers in Hospitals and Pharmacies Doctor/Office Referrals
Business Operations Online Website –Medconciergeutah.com APP Phone –
Financing $200,000 Loan –8.0% Interest –10 Year Term –Return on Investment $91,186 Initial expenses & startup –Office Space –Staffing & Sales –Medical Concierge Transport Vehicles –Initial Advertising Campaign
Conclusion The Purpose of The Medical Concierge –Providing high quality, convenient medical service to those in need. The Medical Concierge will strive for patient satisfaction with each service The Medical Concierge has great potential on becoming a successful business