Container Grown Trees and Shrubs are very popular nowadays.
Sold and transplanted year-round Plants can be grown in the same area Uniform growing medium Plants require no digging or balling of roots Growing medium is usually lighter than soil Container protects the root ball Growing medium is generally sterilized Cost lower
Initial cost higher. Personnel must be trained in potting technique. More water is required If plants are over wintered, some protection must be provided Transplanting to the landscape is more difficult for some plants because the soil less mixes If left in containers too long, plants develop a circular pot-bound root system.
Garden flowers Herbaceous perennials Ground cover Vines Broadleaf evergreen shrubs Narrow leaf evergreen shrubs Deciduous trees
Windbreak – Strong winds can blow over containers Weed Control – black plastic or groundcover fabric, or stones on the soil surface.
Durable Insulated Good drainage Size of container Cost Appearance Shape
Field grow fabric containers Using copper spray to stop roots growing in a circle Pot in Pot
Good drainage Good aeration Hold moisture well Hold plant nutrients Have proper PH range Be sterilize of insects, weeds Be economical and easily obtained Be consistent in quality Encourage good root development Transplant well to the soil in the plant’s permanent location
Done by hand Some nurseries have machines, but most don’t Can touch each other, but don’t crowd
Weather Plant growth Planting medium Kind of plant Size of container Type of container Container surface mulch
Hand watering Trickle Tube Systems Overhead Irrigation
Liquid Slow Release
Have sterile plant medium, containers, and growing site.
PRUNING:WINTER STORAGE Mainly done to shape the plant or make it more compact Place in greenhouse Mulch around container Use thermo blankets Watch of rodent damage.
MARKETING TRANSPLANTING FROM THE CONTAINER Spring and Fall the best Biggest problem The root system drying out Not adapting to its new environment. Reasons why: soilless mediums; thus add organic matter.