¿Cuánto sabes de…? COSTA RICA
¿Dónde está Costa Rica?
How large is Costa Rica compared to Illinois?
Costa Rica is 1/3 the size of Illinois.
How large is Costa Rica’s population compared to that of Illinois?
Costa Rica’s population is about a third the size of that of Illinois (2001 estimate)
What languages are spoken in Costa Rica? Spanish – 90% (Doh!!) Numerous Amerindian languages and those spoken by immigrants account for the rest: Chinese Plattdeutsch Creole
What is the capital city? San José (population 1,374,000) No way, San José!!
Reading tasks Now scan the cultural reading on pp for the answers to the following questions: What is the unit of currency? Describe the sociopolitical climate. Who is Óscar Arias? Describe the ecosystem. What is a primary export?
What is the unit of currency?
Colón The national currency
Describe the sociopolitical climate.
Costa Rican Society Political stability Free presidential elections every four years Army abolished in 1948; social order is maintained by the police force
Costa Rican Education Effective, low-cost, and widespread 95% literacy rate (cf. 56% in Guatemala and 97% in the U.S.) Student pay on average $20/year for their education, mostly for supplies 4 state and several private universities University tuition is ~$200/semester
Who is Óscar Arias?
Óscar Arias President, Winner of Nobel Peace Prize, 1987 for his work for peace in Central America Strong supporter of democracy, human development, and demilitarization
Describe the ecosystem.
Flora and Fauna “Costa Rica has 20 national parks, 8 wildlife refuges, 1 national archaeological monument, 26 protected forest areas, 9 forest reserves, 7 wildlife sanctuaries, and a national forest.” “Protected areas total…21% of the national territory, which means Costa Rica has a larger percentage of its total surface area set aside in parks and preserves than any other country on earth.” “These protected areas are ideal for ecotourism, hiking, rafting, bird watching, camping, or just enjoying the numerous rivers, beaches, jungles, mountain forests, and other archaeological sites in the country” ( CostaRica/Amenities/flora_fauna.html)
What is the primary export?
Costa Rican Economy “Costa Rica's basically stable economy depends on tourism, agriculture, and electronics exports. Poverty has been substantially reduced over the past 15 years, and a strong social safety net has been put into place. Foreign investors remain attracted by the country's political stability and high education levels, and tourism continues to bring in foreign exchange” ( publications/factbook/geos/cs.html). Exports: coffee, bananas, textiles, sugar ( ca/costa_rica_economy.html)
Religion in Costa Rica 75-90% Catholic (depending on the source you consult!) 10-14% Protestant (Episcopalian, Pentecostal, etc.) Small populations of Jewish, Buddhist, Bahai… The dominant theme in Costa Rica is “acceptance and tolerance” of other faith traditions Biensanz (1999). Los ticos.
Costa Rica Missions Project Iglesia Metodista, Changuena
Costa Rica Missions Project Rebuilding a camp in Villa Briceno for youth events, retreats, and an extension campus for a Methodist seminary